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users = new Meteor.Collection('Users');
Meteor.startup ->
Iconv = Meteor.require('iconv').Iconv
userIds = '53882537:128'
userInfo = HTTP.get(
params: {userIds: userIds}
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
// helper for all templates.
Handlebars.registerHelper("site", function(){
return Site.findOne({}); // Missing the query for the collection here. Need to narrow it down.
Handlebars.registerHelper("siteTheme", function(){
site = Site.findOne({}); // See comment on line 3.
if(typeof site == 'object'){
Session.set('theme', site.theme);
Site = new Meteor.Collection('site');
// Publication:
Meteor.publish('site', function () {
var host = headers.get(this, 'host');
return Site.find({'domain': host});
{{> welcome }}
{{> persons }}
{{> entryfield}}
{{> messages}}
<template name="entryfield">
var _data = {}
if ((plot_id > 0) && (plot_id < 11)) {
plot_number = "plot_" + plot_id;
if ((street_id !== null) && (plot_number !== null) && (plot_id !== null)) {
adc_print("update plot " + plot_number);