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dimatkach / Bench.scala
Last active October 2, 2017 13:23
groupBy vs. floldLeft vs. for...
import scala.collection.mutable
* Demonstrates performance difference between different implementations of counting duplicates in an array.
* The code below "as is" prints
* ```
* groupBy 25432
* fold 7591
* mutable 16233
* raw 16349
dimatkach / Palindromes.scala
Created December 4, 2017 13:30
Combine input strings to generate all possible palindromes
/** Given a list of (unique) strings, find all combinations (containing each of the strings at
* most once), that, if concatenated in that particular order, make up a palindrome string
* (ignoring case). Combinations, containing the same strings in different order are considered
* different, as well as those, that contain different strings, but produce the same palindrome.
* Single character and empty strings are trivial palindromes, and not treated specially
* (including an empty string into inputs, "explodes" the number of combinations, because you
* can insert an empty string anywhere in a valid sequence, and it will still be valid).
* See [[Palindromes.apply]] for the main entry point.
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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am dimatkach on github.
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Testing/enabling custom JVM trustore

Set up a use case for testing before installing any bundles

Try reindexing from another cluster in the same env (updating the cluster id/password etc):

POST _reindex
 "source": {
openapi: 3.0.3
title: UsageApi
version: 2.0.0
- admin
description: Reload latest SKU configuration and assignments for ALL tenants