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{Java.Lang.SecurityException: No persistable permission grants found for UID 10271 and Uri content://com.alphainventor.filemanager.fileprovider/root/storage/emulated/0/Download/Антиплагиат.pdf [user 0] ---> Android.OS.RemoteException: Remote stack trace:
at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Java.Interop.JniEnvironment+InstanceMethods.CallVoidMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference instance, Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo method, Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue* args) [0x0006e] in <42748fcc36b74733af2d9940a8f3cc8e>:0
at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers+JniInstanceMethods.InvokeVirtualVoidMethod (System.String encodedMember, Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable self, Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue* parameters) [0x00
dimonovdd / Regx
Last active October 13, 2020 19:15
dimonovdd / SaveToGalery
Last active October 17, 2020 13:50
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[3]
Hosting starting
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Repositories.FileSystemXmlRepository[60]
Storing keys in a directory '/root/.aspnet/DataProtection-Keys' that may not be persisted outside of the container. Protected data will be unavailable when container is destroyed.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager[0]
User profile is available. Using '/root/.aspnet/DataProtection-Keys' as key repository; keys will not be encrypted at rest.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.DefaultKeyResolver[53]
Repository contains no viable default key. Caller should generate a key with immediate activation.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingProvider[57]
=== Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac ===
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GTK+ 2.24.23 (Raleigh theme)
Xamarin.Mac (d16-6 / 088c73638)
Package version: 612000093
=== Mono Framework MDK ===
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_APP_BADGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.sonymobile.home.permission.PROVIDER_INSERT_BADGE" />
dimonovdd / MainPage.xaml
Created February 14, 2021 18:17
<Grid RowDefinitions="300,10,50,10,50" RowSpacing="0" Margin="0" Padding="0">
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<BoxView HeightRequest="200" Background="Violet"/>
<BoxView HeightRequest="200" Background="Green"/>
<BoxView HeightRequest="200" Background="Blue"/>
dimonovdd / Pharmacist.NuGet.g.cs
Created February 21, 2021 17:32
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// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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=== Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac ===
Version 8.8.10 (build 2)
Installation UUID: f8caf6ef-1bee-4228-a7ca-ccc3745efdd9
GTK+ 2.24.23 (Raleigh theme)
Xamarin.Mac (d16-6 / 088c73638)
Package version: 612000122
=== Mono Framework MDK ===