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#who is in love?
architect.traverse.both(:friends, :has_coded, :loves).depth(:all).filter do
outgoing(:loves).to_a.size > 0
end.each do |n|
$LOAD_PATH << './lib'
require "lib/neo4j"
require "rubygems"
require "ruby-debug"
class Person
include Neo4j::NodeMixin
# define Neo4j properties
property :name
* This code is property of Apple Inc.
* This code is intended for informational use only.
* Apple has granted no license for distribution or use.
var controller = {};
controller.showInterface = function() {
if (1 == dataController.showVersionNumber) {
* This code is property of Apple Inc.
* This code is intended for informational use only.
* Apple has granted no license for distribution or use.
const iPad = true;
const ADSupportsTouches = ("createTouch" in document);
const ADStartEvent = ADSupportsTouches ? "touchstart": "mousedown";
const ADMoveEvent = ADSupportsTouches ? "touchmove": "mousemove";
* This code is property of Apple Inc.
* This code is intended for informational use only.
* Apple has granted no license for distribution or use.
const iPad = true;
const ADSupportsTouches = ("createTouch" in document);
const ADStartEvent = ADSupportsTouches ? "touchstart": "mousedown";
const ADMoveEvent = ADSupportsTouches ? "touchmove": "mousemove";
* This code is property of Apple Inc.
* This code is intended for informational use only.
* Apple has granted no license for distribution or use.
var controller = {};
controller.showInterface = function() {
if (1 == dataController.showVersionNumber) {
* This code is property of Apple Inc.
* This code is intended for informational use only.
* Apple has granted no license for distribution or use.
const iPad = true;
const ADSupportsTouches = ("createTouch" in document);
const ADStartEvent = ADSupportsTouches ? "touchstart": "mousedown";
const ADMoveEvent = ADSupportsTouches ? "touchmove": "mousemove";
* This code is property of Apple Inc.
* This code is intended for informational use only.
* Apple has granted no license for distribution or use.
var controller = {};
controller.showInterface = function() {
if (1 == dataController.showVersionNumber) {
dinge / sanitizer.rb
Created July 4, 2012 12:50
class DocUtils::Sanitizer
@sanitizer =
AllowedTags = {
:none => [],
:default => %w(u img a i b div br ul li),
:only_images => %w(img)
dinge / gist:6983008
Created October 14, 2013 22:05
calling applescript from ruby
def osascript(script)
system 'osascript', *script.split(/\n/).map { |line| ['-e', line] }.flatten
osascript <<-END
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Hello"
end tell