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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. [~/public_html]# cat dispatch.fcgi
import sys
import os
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mymotion.settings' [~/public_html]# ./dispatch.fcgi
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param REQUEST_METHOD required by WSGI!
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_NAME required by WSGI!
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_PORT required by WSGI!
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_PROTOCOL required by WSGI!
root INFO Reconfigured logging
typepadapp.utils.loading INFO Configuring HTTP caching
typepadapp.middleware.ApplicationMiddleware INFO Loading group info...
batchhttp.client WARNING Making batch request for 2 items
batchhttp.client WARNING Making batch request for 1 items
[Tue Nov 03 12:34:57 2009] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/bobcousy/public_html/dispatch.fcgi" (pid 21547) terminated by calling exit with status '0'
[Tue Nov 03 12:34:57 2009] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/bobcousy/public_html/dispatch.fcgi" (pid 21547) termination signaled
[Tue Nov 03 12:29:57 2009] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/bobcousy/public_html/dispatch.fcgi" (uid 32262, gid 32264) restarted (pid 21547)
[Tue Nov 03 12:29:57 2009] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/bobcousy/public_html/dispatch.fcgi" has failed to remain running for 30 seconds given 3 attempts, its restart interval has been backed off to 600 seconds
[Tue Nov 03 12:28:55 2009] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/bobcousy/public_html/dispatch.fcgi" has failed to remain running for 30 seconds given 3 attempts, its restart interval has been backed off to 600 seconds
[Tue Nov 03 12:28:55 2009] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/home/bobcousy/public_ [~/public_html]# cat .htaccess
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
# rewrite url request enabled
RewriteEngine On
# if the FILENAME requested isn't an actual file, perform the next command
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
# send requested urn to the dispatch.fcgi to be processed
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]