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#This module does all the encryption and decryption using OpenSSL ruby class
module EncryptionEngine
#encrypt method as the name suggest encrypts 'data' using 'algorithm' with 'key'
def encrypt( data, key, algorithm)
#Do not encrypt if data is nil
if !data.nil? && !data.empty?
cipher = algorithm
// Intercepting HTTP calls with AngularJS.
angular.module('MyApp', [])
.config(function ($provide, $httpProvider) {
// Intercept http calls.
$provide.factory('MyHttpInterceptor', function ($q) {
return {
// On request success
request: function (config) {
// console.log(config); // Contains the data about the request before it is sent.
(Arun Ganesh)[]
(Sajjad Anwar)[]
(Thejesh GN)[]
(Avinash Celestine)[]