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Daniel Harper djhworld

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djhworld / haskjure.clj
Created September 25, 2011 18:27
useful haskell functions that I can't seem to find in clojure
(defn group [xs]
"splits its sequence argument into a list of lists of equal, adjacent elements."
(partition-by identity xs))
(defn zip [xs ys]
"makes a list of vector tuples, each tuple containing elements of both sequences occuring at the same position"
(map vector xs ys))
(defn lines [str]
"For a given string, split it into a vector using a newline terminator as a delimiter"
djhworld / clojure_one_liners.clj
Created September 21, 2011 09:25
clojure one liners
; double everything in a list
(map #(* 2 %) (range 1 10))
; sum a list of numbers
(reduce + (range 1 1000))
; read a file
(clojure.string/split (slurp "cl.clj") #"\n")
djhworld / haskell_one_liners
Created June 2, 2011 21:34
Haskell One Liners
-- Inspired by
-- Double everything in a list
map (*2) [1..10]
-- Sum a list of numbers
sum [1..1000]
-- Verify if exists in a string (thanks to hammar for this:
any (`elem` ["haskell", "ghc", "monads", "cabal"]) $ words "this is a piece of example text talking about haskell and ghc"
djhworld / pragprogmagazine-downloader.rb
Created January 24, 2011 22:54
downloads the latest edition of the excellent magazine from the guys at pragprog and pushes it to your kindle
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Quick rough and dirty script to push new issues of the excellent
# free monthly magazine from the guys at PragProg to your kindle
# Will download the latest magazine from the list and then will only
# download magazines when a new issue comes out
require 'date'
require 'fileutils'
require 'nokogiri'