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bcardarella / .bash_profile
Created February 4, 2009 22:25
Git Autocompletion
source ~/
alias gco='git co'
alias gci='git ci'
alias grb='git rb'
tim-smart / ctags definitions for Javascript
Created October 2, 2009 00:07
CTags Definitions for Javascript
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*\{/\5/,object/
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*function[ \t]*\(/\5/,function/
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*\[/\5/,array/
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^"]'[^']*/\5/,string/
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(true|false)/\5/,boolean/
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[0-9]+/\5/,number/
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*.+([,;=]|$)/\5/,variable/
--regex-js=/(,|(;|^)[ \t]*(var|let|([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]+\.)*))[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+)[ \t]*[ \t]*([,;]|$)/\5/,variable/
zachwaugh / gist:521133
Created August 12, 2010 15:19
Loading rails environment in a script
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Load Rails
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = ARGV[0] || 'production'
DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__)
require DIR + '/../config/environment'
# ... do stuff that requires using your rails models
adamsanderson / test_mail_purge.rb
Created December 18, 2010 04:35
An example of using MiniTest::Mock
require 'minitest/mock'
require 'minitest/unit'
require 'date'
class TestMailPurge < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
class MailPurge
def initialize(imap)
@imap = imap
sit / .gitignore
Created January 14, 2011 19:44
A basic .gitignore file for Hudson configurations
# The following ignores...
# Miscellaneous Hudson litter
# Generated Hudson state
lox / JUnitReporter.php
Created April 21, 2011 18:57
A SimpleTest Reporter that outputs JUnit compatible XML
* A reporter that writes jUnit xml files
class JUnitReporter extends SimpleReporter
private $_dom;
private $_tests=array();
private $_test;
cwjohnston /
Created June 23, 2011 16:51
an example ssh wrapper script to be used with the chef deploy resource
ssh -i<%= @node[:deploy][:key_path] %>/<%= @appname %>_deploy_key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $1 $2
fundon /
Created August 17, 2011 03:52
install vim 7.3 on centos, debian, arch etc.
# on centos minimal
yum install gcc
yum install make
yum install ncurses-devel
yum install lua lua-devel
yum install ruby ruby-devel
yum install python python-devel
yum install perl perl-devel
gavinwilliams / build.xml
Created September 7, 2011 10:02
This ant task will automatically clear your Drupal cache with every build/save. Gone are the days of logging into the admin panel to clear the Drupal cache to preview your template or modifying Drupal to get around it!
1. Download and add drush to your template folder or put it somewhere on your computer and symlink it -
2. Add the following task to your Ant build file after your deployment tasks
3. 'dir' is the path to your local deployment i.e. /Users/yourname/Sites/yourwebsite/public_html
4. 'executable' is the path to your drush command. Simply use drush in this attribute if you have symlinked it
<exec dir="${path.deploy}" executable="${}/drush/drush" failonerror="true" output="/dev/null">
<arg line="cache-clear all" />
tomster / .gitconfig
Created September 25, 2011 11:48
An example git configuration including convenience aliases, some saner default behavior, a neat shell prompt and tab completion that can display the name of the tracking remote
# ~/.gitconfig
autosetupmerge = true
default = current
excludesfile = .gitignore