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dkinzer / post-update
Created July 3, 2014 20:57
Git update hook example for executing deployment.
set -e
echo '*************************'
echo '*************************'
cd $GIT_CLONE/.git
git pull origin jenkins-7
dkinzer / mysql_recipe_example.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Is this sandwich method for temporarily assigning a msyql server configuration the way it's done?
template '/etc/mysql/conf.d/mysite.cnf' do
owner 'mysql'
owner 'mysql'
source 'mysite.cnf.erb'
variables :x => 'temporary',
notifies :restart, 'mysql_service[default]'
include_recipe 'do-big-import-once'
source ""
gem "knife-solo"
gem "knife-solo_data_bag"
gem "foodcritic"
gem "fog"
gem "berkshelf"
source ""
cookbook "apache2", :git => ""
cookbook "php", :git => "", :branch => "master"
cookbook 'drush', :git => '', :branch => "master"
cookbook 'xhprof', :git => 'git://'
#cookbook "deploy-drupal", :git => "", :branch
=> "master"
(define (subsets s)
(define (subset item)
(cons (car s) item))
(if (null? s)
(list nil)
(let ((rest (subsets (cdr s))))
(append rest (map subset rest)))))
(load "lib/assert")
(define roman-numerals (list (cons 1000 "M") (cons 900 "CM")
(cons 500 "D") (cons 400 "CD")
(cons 100 "C") (cons 90 "XC")
(cons 50 "L") (cons 40 "XL")
(cons 10 "X") (cons 9 "IX")
(cons 5 "V") (cons 4 "IV")
(cons 1 "I") (cons 0 "")))
(define (make-roman numeral)
dkinzer /
Created September 8, 2014 17:40
Verify a Vagrant package.
[[ $(cat 1.6.5_SHA256SUMS | grep dmg$) == $(shasum -a 256 vagrant_1.6.5.dmg) ]] && echo "PASSED"
dkinzer /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Photo and Illustration Attribution for Presentation Slides...

Photo and Illustration Credits

  • ["Man Fig Miniature Wave Sit Rest Relax Friendly"][1], by Anja Osenberg, [CC0 1.0][cc-universal]
  • ["36100 Bangladesh Air Force MIG-29 Landing with the Drogue Parachute Deployed"][2], by Fisal Akram, [CC BY-SA 2.0][cc-sa-2]
  • ["Parachutist Skydiver Skydiving Sky Parachute"][3], by Lynn Greyling, [CC0 1.0][cc-universal]
  • ["Grow Blossom Time Lapse Sequence Amaryllis Flower"][4], by Stefan Schweihofer, [CC0 1.0][cc-universal]
  • ["Puzzle Cube Wood Block Toys Wooden Toys Build"][5], by Hans Braxmeier, [CC0 1.0][cc-universal]
  • ["Magic"][6], by Bart Cayusa, [CC BY-SA 2.0][cc-sa-2]
  • ["Simple Drupal Wallpaper"][7], by Matt Farina, [CC BY-SA 2.0][cc-sa-2]

Predicate Conundrum.

In an article entitled ["Boolean Externalities"][1] developer Avdi Grimm describes a difficult debugging experience that resulted from an erroneous boolean return from deep within a series of chained predicate functions summarized in the following sketch:

class TypeA
# ...
dkinzer /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
shellshock test on centos
cd /tmp; rm -f /tmp/echo; env 'x=() { (a)=>\' bash -c "echo date"; cat /tmp/echo
# date
# cat: /tmp/echo: No such file or directory