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Created September 7, 2019 13:59
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Simple Kalman Filter
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"# Simple 1D Kalman Tutorial \n",
"Implement a simple Kalman filter.\n",
"## Measurment update equations\n",
"$\\mu' = \\frac{1}{r^2\\sigma^2} * [\\mu * r^2 + v * \\sigma^2]$\n",
"$\\sigma'^2 = \\frac{1}{\\frac{1}{r^2} + \\frac{1}{sigma^2}}$"
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"(12.4, 1.6)\n"
"source": [
"def update(mu1, var1, mu2, var2):\n",
" next_mu = 1.0 / (var1 + var2) * (mu1 * var2 + mu2 * var1)\n",
" next_sigma = 1.0 / ((1.0 / var2) + (1.0 / var1))\n",
" return next_mu, next_sigma\n",
"print(update(10, 8, 13, 2))"
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"## Prediction update equations\n",
"$\\mu' = \\mu' + u$\n",
"$\\sigma'^2 = \\sigma'^2 + r^2$"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
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"text": [
"(22, 8)\n"
"source": [
"def predict(mu1, var1, mu2, var2):\n",
" next_mu = mu1 + mu2\n",
" next_sigma = var1 + var2\n",
" return next_mu, next_sigma\n",
"print(predict(10, 4, 12, 4))"
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" ## Kalman estimation"
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"execution_count": 17,
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"text": [
"Update: 4.998000799680128 3.9984006397441023\n",
"Predict: 5.998000799680128 4.998400639744102\n",
"Update: 5.99911130859809 2.221906243057098\n",
"Predict: 6.99911130859809 3.221906243057098\n",
"Update: 6.9995077801500045 1.784518455168001\n",
"Predict: 8.999507780150005 2.784518455168001\n",
"Update: 8.999709798209999 1.6416896636470566\n",
"Predict: 9.999709798209999 2.641689663647057\n",
"Update: 9.999825224119345 1.5909744642880308\n",
"Predict: 10.999825224119345 2.590974464288031\n"
"source": [
"measurments = [5,6,7,9,10]\n",
"motion = [1,1,2,1,1]\n",
"measurment_sig = 4\n",
"motion_sig = 1\n",
"mu = 0\n",
"sig = 10000\n",
"for i in range(len(measurments)):\n",
" mu, sig = update(mu, sig, measurments[i], measurment_sig)\n",
" print('Update: {} {}'.format(mu, sig))\n",
" mu, sig = predict(mu, sig, motion[i], motion_sig)\n",
" print('Predict: {} {}'.format(mu, sig))"
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"source": [
"# Simple Multivariate Kalman Filter\n",
"## Measurement Update equations\n",
"The definitions for the state space:\n",
"+ $x$: state estimate\n",
"+ $F$: state transitions (mapping from state to state)\n",
"+ $u$: motion vector\n",
"+ $P$: uncertainty (uncertainty of transition)\n",
"Then the motion update (prediction) is:\n",
"+ $x' = Fx+u$\n",
"+ $P' = FPF^T$\n",
"The definitions for the observation space:\n",
"+ $z$: the sensor measurement\n",
"+ $H$: measurment function mapping from state space into measurment space\n",
"+ $R$: measurement noise \n",
"Then the residual error between the measurment and the state update is: $y=z - Hx'$\n",
"The Kalman gain (scaler on the error) is defined as:\n",
"+ $S = HPH^T+R$\n",
"+ $K = PH^{T}S^{-1}$\n",
"The measurement update is:\n",
"+ $x' = x + Ky$\n",
"+ $P' = [I _ KH] P$\n",
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"outputs": [],
"source": []
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