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dmaynor / gist:3b168abd8ef62bc11d05
Created April 15, 2015 16:39
git keygen steps (OSX)
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
ssh -T
dmaynor / gist:1c2aab9bf35b8ff89551
Created March 18, 2015 20:19
Making Spark less noisy
cd ~/code/spark-1.3.0-bin-hadoop2.4/conf/
change log4j.rootCategory=INFO, console to log4j.rootCategory=WARN, console
dmaynor / gist:723adc9390c95eb3c403
Created February 12, 2015 04:51
rtl blacklists
blacklist dvbusbrt128xxu
blacklist e4000
blacklist rtl2832
dmaynor / gist:1f54e539e5efa237faae
Created February 10, 2015 19:36
python sqlite snippet
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# Create table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE stocks
(date text, trans text, symbol text, qty real, price real)''')
# Insert a row of data
c.execute("INSERT INTO stocks VALUES ('2006-01-05','BUY','RHAT',100,35.14)")