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David Cassel dmcassel

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// This could be any query. Here we've simplified to a single word query.
var query = "flannel";
var results = []; // Accumulator for result snippets
for(var doc of {
var builder = new NodeBuilder();
// The callback is the function that's executed when highlight finds a match
// to the query
function callback(builder, text, node, queries, start) {
builder.addNode({"match": text});
function highlight(node, query) {
var match = 0;
var threshold = 2;
// NodeBuilder is used to "inject" highlights into the flow of the matched nodes.
var builder = new NodeBuilder();
function callback(builder, text, node, queries, start) {
// Keep track of the number of matches
// Inject a new element in context to highlight the match
* Evaluate standard XPath against JSON (or XML or both). JSON properties operate similar to unnamespaced
* XML elements.
var total = 0, count = 0;
// XPath is a subset of XQuery. Evaluate it.
var resultIter =
xdmp.xqueryEval('/node()[some $name in friends/name satisfies starts-with(upper-case($name), "N") or eyeColor = "blue"]');
for (var result of resultIter) {
total += result.age;
var nb = new NodeBuilder();
.startElement('ex:article', '')
for (var i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
nb.startElement('ex:p', '')
.addText('This is paragraph ') +
nb.startElement('em', '') // No namespace
.addText((i + 1).toString())
function checkStatus() {
// look up the set of databases this user is allowed to work with
var myDatabaseIds = ...;
if (myDatabaseIds.length > 0) {
return xdmp.databaseBackupStatus(myDatabaseIds;
// module.amp takes a function as input and returns a function
// that has the same signature as the original function.
var status = require("status");
// The calling module does not need to know that an imported function is amped.
// This is controlled by the combination of configuration and the library
// module's export declaration.
var admin = require("/MarkLogic/admin");
// Use the (XQuery) Admin APIs to create some indexes.
var config = admin.getConfiguration();
try {
// Create a dateTime index on the registered property. For the purposes of
// creating range indexes a JSON property is the same as an XML element (i.e.
// this will also add XML elements named "registered" in no namespace to this
// index.) Since JSON lacks a native Date type (though JavaScript has one),
// the indexer automatically parses strings that are formatted as ISO8601
module.exports = {
// Export the "private" function with a public name
parseCurrency: dollarToObject
// "Private" function local to the module
function dollarToObject(str) {
if (str && str.match(/^\s*\$/)) {
return {
"value": parseFloat(str.replace(/[$,]/g, "")),
// Import the declared exports from the "util" module under the util "namespace".
// Because the path does not start with a / (or C:\ on Windows), resolve
// the module path relative to the current module.
// Because there is no file extension, first try .sjs then .xqy.
// In this case, it resolves to ./util.sjs.
var util = require("util");
// Call the imported function
// Tell the transaction manager that we're about to make an update
// For each item in the collection, update the balance field from a string
// balance: "$1,234.56"
// to a Number representing the value and a unit of measure
// balance: { value: 1234.56, unit: "USD" }
for (var item of fn.collection("fake data")) {
// Turn the JSON node from the database into a JavaScript object so we can
// update it. JSON nodes are immutable.