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Jeevuz / RxPM vs MVP
Last active April 5, 2017 19:36
Real project's part converted from MVP (with Moxy) into RxPM (with Outlast). See revisions diff.
This is real project screen with complex UI that was switched
from using the MVP with Moxy library
to the use of RxPM pattern (Reactive Presentation Model) with Outlast library (persistent PM layer).
I was doing it to see pros and cons of the RxPM pattern.
- easy integration with RxBindings for complex UI.
- nice saved states in PM (for PM and MVVM lovers).
- easy combining of reactive streams coming from network, db, etc. in PM.
zsmb13 / publish-mavencentral.gradle
Last active April 21, 2021 07:25
Basic MavenCentral script
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'signing'
task androidSourcesJar(type: Jar) {
if (project.plugins.findPlugin("")) {
from android.sourceSets.main.kotlin.srcDirs
} else {