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Don Morehouse dmmfll

  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida
View GitHub Profile
dmmfll / embed-instacalc-random-number-generator.txt
Last active March 22, 2016 11:31
code to embed a random number generator calculator hosted on [Instacalc]( into an html document
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="450" height="410"></iframe>
dmmfll / dots along a polyline in svg.markdown
Last active May 8, 2016 15:21
dots along a polyline in svg
dmmfll / Editing Page Elements with contenteditable.markdown
Last active May 28, 2016 06:46
Editing Page Elements with contenteditable
I have installed Dokku on a Linode instance.
To test that Dokku functions as expected, I deployed a sample Rails app from
The Rails app deploys with no problems.
I then decided to try deploying a Pelican static site as described in this blog:
I used this repo to create my own Pelican site:
dmmfll / gist:7854b7b766ac504e02d0afb57335ea4e
Created July 9, 2016 12:16
output of pelican blog deploy issues 2306 after "&> /dev/null removed from end of line `git submodule update --init --recursive &> /dev/null`
+ case "$(lsb_release -si)" in
++ lsb_release -si
+ export DOKKU_DISTRO=ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
dmmfll / pelican_deploy_output_01.txt
Created July 9, 2016 12:16
output of pelican blog deploy issues 2306 after "&> /dev/null" removed from end of line `git submodule update --init --recursive &> /dev/null`
+ case "$(lsb_release -si)" in
++ lsb_release -si
+ export DOKKU_DISTRO=ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
dmmfll / output after dokku version upgrade
Created July 9, 2016 18:53
+ case "$(lsb_release -si)" in
++ lsb_release -si
+ export DOKKU_DISTRO=ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ case "$(lsb_release -si)" in
++ lsb_release -si
+ export DOKKU_DISTRO=ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
dmmfll / nopwd-output-pelican-deploy
Created July 9, 2016 20:39
push of pelican blog using an ssh key that has no password
+ case "$(lsb_release -si)" in
++ lsb_release -si
+ export DOKKU_DISTRO=ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
dmmfll / output-pelican-deploy-one-key-in-ssh
Created July 10, 2016 12:38
dokku trace "on" output of Pelican blog deploy
+ case "$(lsb_release -si)" in
++ lsb_release -si
+ export DOKKU_DISTRO=ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins