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dmnth /
Created October 31, 2019 18:09 — forked from RichardBronosky/
PEP-8 cheatsheet
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module's docstring summary line.
This is a multi-line docstring. Paragraphs are separated with blank lines.
Lines conform to 79-column limit.
Module and packages names should be short, lower_case_with_underscores.
Notice that this in not
dmnth / tmux.conf
Created December 11, 2019 17:56 — forked from spicycode/tmux.conf
The best and greatest tmux.conf ever
# 0 is too far from ` ;)
set -g base-index 1
# Automatically set window title
set-window-option -g automatic-rename on
set-option -g set-titles on
#set -g default-terminal screen-256color
set -g status-keys vi
set -g history-limit 10000