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Dmytro Striletskyi dmytrostriletskyi

View GitHub Profile
# current_timestamp = str(int(
# url = f'{entity}'
def generate_headers(current_timestamp, host):
CLIENT_KEY = 'gh67j345kl6hj5k432'
path = host.replace(API_HOST, '').split('?')[0]
hash_ = hashlib.sha256(f"{path}:{current_timestamp}:{CLIENT_KEY}".encode()).hexdigest()
x_payload = hashlib.sha256(f"{CLIENT_KEY}:{hash_}".encode()).hexdigest()
# That is how the tests might look in pytest/unittest.
# Basically each case is written by own test function.
# Each function has a documentation describing the test case.
# Basically, a lot of stuff is repeated:
# - name variable
# - surname variable
# - documentation (at least, cases)
# - asserts sometimes or most of the time
# More cases we have (usually we have a lot), more duplication thing the test class has
# as well as the size, etc.
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common make -y && \
sudo sh -c "echo 'LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8\nLANG=en_US.UTF-8' >> /etc/environment" && \
echo "REMME_CORE_RELEASE=$2" >> ~/.bashrc && \
echo "NODE_IP_ADDRESS=$1" >> ~/.bashrc && \
cd /home/ && curl -L$2.tar.gz | sudo tar zx && \
cd remme-core-$2 && \
sudo -i sed -i "s@80@3333@" /home/remme-core-$2/docker/compose/admin.yml && \
sudo -i sed -i "s@$1@" /home/remme-core-$2/config/network-config.env && \
<template v-for="(comment, index) in comments">
<img :src="getUserAvatarUrl(comment.user.username)">
wget && \
sudo apt install ./eosio_1.7.4-1-ubuntu-16.04_amd64.deb && \
mkdir contracts && cd contracts && \
keosd --http-server-address= &
nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::producer_plugin --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin \
--plugin eosio::history_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin --http-server-address= \
--access-control-allow-origin='*' --contracts-console --http-validate-host=false \
--verbose-http-errors >> nodeos.log 2>&1 &
sudo rm -rf /home/remme-core-$1 && \
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q) -f && \
sudo docker rmi $(sudo docker images -q) -f && \
sudo sed -i '/REMME_CORE_RELEASE/d' ~/.bashrc && \
echo "REMME_CORE_RELEASE=$2" >> ~/.bashrc && \
cd /home/ && curl -L$2.tar.gz | sudo tar zx && \
cd remme-core-$2 && \
sudo -i sed -i "s@80@3333@" /home/remme-core-$2/docker/compose/admin.yml && \
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common make -y && \
sudo sh -c "echo 'LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8\nLANG=en_US.UTF-8' >> /etc/environment" && \
echo "REMME_CORE_RELEASE=$2" >> ~/.bashrc && \
echo "NODE_IP_ADDRESS=$1" >> ~/.bashrc && \
cd /home/ && curl -L$2.tar.gz | sudo tar zx && \
cd remme-core-$2 && \
sudo -i sed -i "s@80@3333@" /home/remme-core-$2/docker/compose/admin.yml && \
sudo -i sed -i "s@$1@" /home/remme-core-$2/config/network-config.env && \
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common make -y && \
sudo sh -c "echo 'LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8\nLANG=en_US.UTF-8' >> /etc/environment" && \
echo "REMME_CORE_RELEASE=$2" >> ~/.bashrc && \
echo "NODE_IP_ADDRESS=$1" >> ~/.bashrc && \
cd /home/ && curl -L$2.tar.gz | sudo tar zx && \
cd remme-core-$2 && \
sudo -i sed -i "s@80@3333@" /home/remme-core-$2/docker/compose/admin.yml && \
sudo -i sed -i "s@$1@" /home/remme-core-$2/config/network-config.env && \
[2019-05-20 16:50:35.236 DEBUG handler] Set policy :
name: "node_account_permissions_policy"
entries {
key: "037426e20b4ab14717d4483e2b56923a86b20a25ea8fdd1af2576de170b32768e1"
entries {
key: "03d1ec76ec167630a995bc4e6da52611eb4614ce5f2a4d7eae35467e7568ae56ca"
[16:50:35.174 [MainThread] consensus_account INFO] Sending rewards...
[16:50:35.188 [MainThread] consensus_account INFO] Payng rewards. Unfrozen: 4600; frozen: 4400; signer: 1168295d5fdee716dd7561a14c5a9a408049409d8a36c5b74114c5f998c9eea26291e3; reward: 10000; unfrozen share: 0.4600; frozen share: 0.4400
[16:50:35.215 [MainThread] obligatory_payment INFO] Obligatory payment total: 2.0000
[16:50:35.252 [MainThread] bet WARNING] Bet is zero, detailed: block_cost=0; signer_node_address=1168295d5fdee716dd7561a14c5a9a408049409d8a36c5b74114c5f998c9eea26291e3; min=True; fixed_amount=0; max=False;
[16:50:35.252 [MainThread] bet INFO] Doing bet of size 0
[16:50:35.298 [MainThread] consensus_account INFO] Sending rewards...
[16:50:35.317 [MainThread] consensus_account INFO] Payng rewards. Unfrozen: 4600; frozen: 4400; signer: 1168295d5fdee716dd7561a14c5a9a408049409d8a36c5b74114c5f998c9eea26291e3; reward: 10000; unfrozen share: 0.4600; frozen share: 0.4400
[16:50:35.347 [MainThread] obligatory_payment INFO] O