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Kirill Danilyuk dnkirill

  • Tel Aviv, Israel
View GitHub Profile
#luarocks install loadcaffe
#luarocks install hdf5
#git clone; cd neuraltalk2
#unzip -d data
#mkdir samples; cd samples
echo "This installation sets up a P2 instance on AWS (Ubuntu 14.04 only), installs all necessary packages"
echo "which are required for CUDA, TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe and Torch."
# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --assume-yes upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git python-pip libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev libncurses-dev libopenblas-dev gfortran python-matplotlib libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev python-dev python-pydot linux-headers-generic linux-image-extra-virtual unzip python-numpy swig python-pandas python-sklearn zip
sudo pip install -U pip
from skimage import exposure
def grayscale_exposure_equalize(batch_x_y):
"""Processes a batch with images by grayscaling, normalization and
histogram equalization.
batch_x_y: a single batch of data containing a numpy array of images
and a list of corresponding labels.
import multiprocessing
import ipyparallel as ipp
import numpy as np
def preprocess_equalize(X, y, bins=256, cpu=multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
""" A simplified version of a function which manages multiprocessing logic.
This function always grayscales input images, though it can be generalized
to apply any arbitrary function to batches.
import numpy as np
from skimage import transform
from skimage.transform import warp, AffineTransform
def rotate_90_deg(X):
X_aug = np.zeros_like(X)
for i,img in enumerate(X):
X_aug[i] = transform.rotate(img, 270.0)
return X_aug
label_class label_name rotate_90_deg rotate_180_deg rotate_270_deg flip_horiz flip_vert
13 Yield 13
14 Stop
15 No vehicles 15 15 15 15 15
16 Vehicles over 3.5 metric tons prohibited
17 No entry 17 17 17
18 General caution 18
19 Dangerous curve to the left 20
20 Dangerous curve to the right 19
import pandas as pd
# Generate an augmented dataset using a transform table
augmentation_table = pd.read_csv('augmentation_table.csv', index_col='label_class')
augmentation_table.drop('label_name', axis=1, inplace=True)
augmentation_table.dropna(axis=0, how='all', inplace=True)
# Collect all global functions in global namespace
namespace = __import__(__name__)
import numpy as np
def flips_rotations_augmentation(X, y):
"""A pipeline for applying augmentation functions listed in `augmentation_table`
to a numpy array with images X.
# Initializing empty arrays to accumulate intermediate results of augmentation
X_out, y_out = np.empty([0] + list(X.shape[1:]), dtype=np.float32), np.empty([0])
# Cycling through all label classes and applying all available transformations
def augmented_batch_generator(X, y, batch_size, rotations=True, affine=True,
shear_angle=0.0, scale_margins=[0.8, 1.5], p=0.35):
"""Augmented batch generator. Splits the dataset into batches and augments each
batch independently.
X: numpy array with images.
y: list of labels.
batch_size: the size of the output batch.
rotations: whether to apply `flips_rotations_augmentation` function to dataset.
label_class label_name rotate_90_deg rotate_180_deg rotate_270_deg flip_horiz flip_vert
0 Speed limit (20km/h)
1 Speed limit (30km/h)
2 Speed limit (50km/h)
3 Speed limit (60km/h)
4 Speed limit (70km/h)
5 Speed limit (80km/h)
6 End of speed limit (80km/h)
7 Speed limit (100km/h)
8 Speed limit (120km/h)