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Ryan Dobbs dobbsryan

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Real-time Grid Component with Laravel, Vue.js, Vuex & (Google Docs-like Functionality)


The exercise of writing this tutorial -- as well as recording it as a screencast -- has helped me better understand the concepts behind a couple of my favorite open source tools. Both the tutorial and screencast will be of personal use in the future as references. If they are of help to others, that will be great too.

I love Google Docs' real-time, multi-user interactive capability, and I've have always been a fan of spreadsheets. I wanted to see if I could replicate that type of functionality. What I've done is taken the basic Vue.js Grid Component example and altered it a bit so that when a user clicks on a cell, that cell becomes highlighted or "active", not just in the user's browser but in any browser instance cur

Get PHP Installed -- Laracasts Vid

Note to self: If ever making composer calls outside of Homestead VM for installing a Laravel version in development (Laravel 5.3 as of 6/30/16), make sure the PHP version on your local machine is current or the same as the VM. Otherwise, composer will fail if the PHP version requirement is greater than what's on your local.

To update, run:

$ brew install homebrew/php/php70

Laravel Homestead and Valet Quick Project Setup


I wanted to have a document and screencast to reference for the quickest way to get a new project up and running. And because I rarely make changes to my development environment setup and when something goes a bit wrong and I end up spending way too much time fumbling around to fix it, I wanted to better understand the Laravel Homestead and Laravel Valet environments to avoid future head-scratching when something doesn't work as expected.

This is my effort to document that understanding and provide a clean and rapid approach for setting up Laravel projects in Homestead and Valet -- and even Wordpress projects in Valet. The accompanying screencast demonstrates just how quickly they can be set up when these tools are incoporated into your workflow. -- Ryan

Reference Documentation

  1. create github gist on github site

  2. copy url of gist

  3. from command line on local development machine:

git clone gist-url-from-github name-of-new-directory-for-gist

Go to any method in project


Notes from 2016-08-02 shoot with Andy in Springfield and then photo editing later that day

Thought from Andy on the day regarding his waterfall shot: "hard to believe this was that waterfall under the bridge...both yours and mine, the simplicity of the photograph(s) makes them say more....I really enjoy taking a photo somewhere...and through isolating the subject, make a photo that creates mood and almost doesn't seem like the same place.....things I think about when processing an image....simplify....crop unnecessarry "niose" in the image and create mood....good stuff....just wait, you will start seeing the world differently, just happens....framing, leading lines, light, etc....and you are off to a great have a good eye...have fun....ill look at the image you sent later and give some feedback....look forward to seeing what u get back home"

Import pics to Lightroom

Install project

// current version
laravel new project-name

// or dev branch
composer create-project laravel/laravel project-name dev-develop
dobbsryan / scopes.txt
Created January 30, 2017 04:46 — forked from iambibhas/scopes.txt
Sublime Text 2: Snippet scopes
Here is a list of scopes to use in Sublime Text 2 snippets -
ActionScript: source.actionscript.2
AppleScript: source.applescript
ASP: source.asp
Batch FIle: source.dosbatch
C#: source.cs
C++: source.c++
Clojure: source.clojure