Takes a Youtube URL and generates a responsive snippet
{% youtube "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho8-vK0L1_8" %}
or using variables/front matter
require "pinboard" | |
require 'net/https' | |
require "uri" | |
require "json" | |
username = "pinboard_username" | |
password = "pinboard_password" | |
delicious_user = "delicious_username" | |
pinboard = Pinboard::Client.new(:username => username, :password => password) |
function authenticate(req, res, next) { | |
var auth = require('basic-auth'); | |
var user = auth(req); | |
if (user === undefined || user['name'] !== 'user' || user['pass'] !== 'pass') { | |
res.statusCode = 401; | |
res.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Bitte anmelden!"'); | |
res.end('Unauthorized'); | |
} else { | |
next(); | |
} |
var express = require('express') | |
, path = require('path') | |
, helmet = require('helmet') | |
, csrf = require('csurf') | |
, cookieParser = require('cookie-parser') | |
, bodyParser = require('body-parser') | |
, cookieSession = require('cookie-session') | |
, methodOverride = require('method-override') | |
, compress = require('compression') | |
, mincer = require('mincer') |
# -*- mode: ruby -*- | |
# vi: set ft=ruby : | |
$script = <<SCRIPT | |
export HOST_USER=$1 | |
apt-get update -y && apt-get -y install git | |
# Install Dokku | |
wget -qO- https://raw.github.com/progrium/dokku/v0.2.3/bootstrap.sh | DOKKU_TAG=v0.2.3 bash |
constraints(:host => Regexp.new("^(?!#{Regexp.escape(ENV['CANONICAL_HOST'])})")) do | |
match "/(*path)" => redirect { |params, req| "http://#{ENV['CANONICAL_HOST']}/#{params[:path]}" }, via: [:get, :post] | |
end | |
end |
// On external pages (same domain) you need to grab the cookie | |
function getCookie(name) { | |
var value = "; " + document.cookie; | |
var parts = value.split("; " + name + "="); | |
if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift(); | |
} | |
var url = "http://t.unbounce.com/trk?v=" + getCookie('ubvt') + "&g=convert" | |
// On the unbounce page itself you have direct access | |
var url = "http://t.unbounce.com/trk?v=" + ub.page.visitorId + "&g=convert" |
/* | |
put this file in your app folder and add the following to yout brunch config.coffee | |
exports.config = | |
plugins: | |
staticHandlebars: | |
includeFile: 'app/translations.js' | |
# Usage examples: | |
# {{i18n "key"}} | |
# {{i18n "key" language="fr"}} |
#!/bin/bash | |
COUCH_DB="" | |
JSON_FOLDER="./jsonFiles/*" | |
TMP_FILE="/tmp/_couchdb_import.json" | |
for file in $JSON_FOLDER | |
do | |
echo '{"docs":' > $TMP_FILE | |
cat $file >> $TMP_FILE |