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<UserControl xmlns=""
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Acorn">
F1 M 16.6309,18.6563C 17.1309,
8.15625 29.8809,14.1563 29.8809,
14.1563C 30.8809,11.1563 34.1308,
11.4063 34.1308,11.4063C 33.5,12
34.6309,13.1563 34.6309,13.1563C
32.1309,13.1562 31.1309,14.9062
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System
public static class WeakObservableExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Subscribes the weakly.
<Viewbox xmlns="">
<Style Selector="Path">
<Setter Property="RenderTransformOrigin" Value="0,0" />
<!--Differencefrom wpf rendertransform origin by default in wpf is 0,0 in avalonia 50%,50%-->
<Path Data="F 1 M -122.3,84.285 C -122.3,84.285 -122.2,86.179 -123.03,86.16 -123.85,86.141 -140.3,38.066 -160.83,40.309 -160.83,40.309 -143.05,32.956 -122.3,84.285 Z" Fill="#ffffff" RenderTransform="1.30658,0,0,1.30658,312.431,260.707"/>
<Path Data="F 1 M 152.524,370.838 L 152.749,370.826 152.752,371.22 152.677,372.085 152.385,372.968 151.68,373.394 151.68,373.394 151.68,373.394 151.145,372.622 150.25,370.625 148.922,367.537 147.183,363.544 145.054,358.833 142.557,353.592 136.548,342.276 133.081,336.576 129.335,331.101 125.334,326.038 121.099,321.576 116.656,317.904 112.027,315.208 107.237,313.674 104.788,313.4 102.306,313.485 102.251,313.27 102.528,313.175 103.324,312.981 104.608,312.817 10
donandren / gist:4a9618dc900c4375661c3355a6c3f3e0
Created February 2, 2020 14:46
macOS crash after maximize
Process: dotnet [50580]
Path: /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet
Identifier: dotnet
Version: 0
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: bash [44727]
Responsible: dotnet [50580]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2020-02-02 06:43:38.655 -0800