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Leesa Ward doubleedesign

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doubleedesign / _export-orders.php
Last active March 19, 2024 10:05
Export selected data about the currently shown WooCommerce orders to a CSV file
* Function to export the orders list to a CSV download (not stored anywhere)
* CSV construction based on
* Dev notes:
* - This file is designed to be called via AJAX, with that function providing the order IDs.
* - To use this without AJAX you would just need to define $order_ids = wp_list_pluck($wp_query->posts, 'ID') instead,
* and define $filename as something appropriate here.
function doublee_export_orders() {
doubleedesign / acf-tsf-integration.php
Last active December 9, 2022 13:06
Get meta descriptions in The SEO Framework from ACF flexible content fields
* The SEO Framework + ACF flexible content integration
* TSF will look at the excerpt and then the content to generate the default meta description.
* If both of those are empty, this code looks for ACF flexible modules to get it from.
* // TODO: Make this work with archives as well as posts
* @param $description
* @param $args
* @return mixed|string
doubleedesign / create-zip.php
Last active January 17, 2021 06:20
Add a "download all" option to emails for WooCommerce downloadable products. Zips all the files and stores the zip in a specified directory.
* Utility function to create a zip file from an array of file URLs
* Used for download links in emails
* @param array $files
* @param string $filename
* @return string
function doublee_zip_order_files(array $files, string $filename) {
doubleedesign / widget-product-categories.php
Created January 17, 2021 06:27
Override the output of the WooCommerce product categories widget to be a Bootstrap accordion
* Product Categories Widget
* Modifies the WooCommerce product categories widget to display as a Bootstrap accordion.
* @package WooCommerce/Widgets
* @version 2.3.0
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
doubleedesign / filter-orders-by-role.php
Last active March 22, 2023 21:45
Add the ability to filter WooCommerce orders by role in wp-admin
* Add role drop-down to orders screen
function doublee_add_order_user_role_filter_selectbox() {
global $typenow, $wp_query;
if (in_array($typenow, wc_get_order_types('order-meta-boxes'))) :
$user_role = '';
doubleedesign / functions.php
Created April 28, 2021 03:48
Log all WordPress hooks that run
function doublee_log_all_actions() {
foreach($GLOBALS['wp_actions'] as $action => $count) {
error_log(print_r($action, true));
add_action('shutdown', 'doublee_log_all_actions');
doubleedesign / cpt-case_study.php
Created June 28, 2021 09:43
Use a WooCommerce product attribute taxonomy for a custom post type
// Register Custom Post Type
// Note: Using woocommerce_after_register_taxonomy hook instead of init because we're using a product attribute taxonomy with this CPT
function doublee_cpt_case_study() {
$labels = array(
'name' => _x('Case studies', 'Post Type General Name', 'doubleedesign'),
'singular_name' => _x('Case study', 'Post Type Singular Name', 'doubleedesign'),
'menu_name' => __('Case studies', 'doubleedesign'),
'name_admin_bar' => __('Case study', 'doubleedesign'),
doubleedesign / YearbookClasses.jsx
Last active November 23, 2022 15:49
InDesign Image Catalog for multiple folders at once (and multiple folders per page). Created for school yearbook projects (one folder per class, two classes per page) but could be adapted for other use cases where you want to lay out contact sheets of multiple folders automatically.
* Custom Image Catalog script that runs for all subfolders in a selected folder.
* Lays out each folder of images in the specified number of rows and columns, 2 folders per page, shows an alert if there's more images than allowed for,
* labels each group with the folder name, creates paragraph styles for the captions and group headings, and saves the file.
* Based on the built-in Image Catalog script but modified and simplified (e.g. hard-coding the settings) for my use case.
* Could be modified to suit different numbers of folders per page, different image quantities etc by changing the settings at the top
* and making tweaks to other code as needed.
* Could also be extended to show one dialog for settings prior to the loop,
doubleedesign / class-unhooky-plugin-custom-admin-stuff.php
Last active March 21, 2023 11:26
Unhook a Ninja Forms plugin action from within another plugin. The context for this example was using Ninja Forms for Expression of Interest forms associated with Jobs (a custom post type), and a customised admin screen for viewing submissions. (This isn't the whole plugin, it's just the parts required to show how to unhook a Ninja Forms functio…
* Job listings functionality for Client Website
* Note: Requires Ninja Forms plugin
* Note: Truncated for use in a gist to demonstrate unhooking a Ninja Forms function
* @since 1.0.0
* @package MyPlugin
* @subpackage MyPlugin/admin
class MyPlugin_Jobs extends MyPlugin_Settings {
doubleedesign / typechecker.test.ts
Last active February 5, 2023 11:30
Function to determine the TypeScript type of a given value using a predefined list of types
import savedArtists from '../json-data/test/artists.json' assert { type: 'json'};
import { getType } from './typechecker';
// NOTE: These tests are a work in progress,
as I have so far only completed work with the "Artist" type on the project at the time of writing
describe('Typechecker', () => {
it('Correctly identifies and Artist', () => {
const item = savedArtists[0];
const type = getType(item);