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create redshift.bat in the same folder as redshift, edited with location. Note -m wingdi, necessary for Windows (over randr)
redshift.bat contents:
.\redshift.exe -m wingdi -l LAT:LON
create redshift.vbs in the same folder as redshift.bat, this will make it run invisibly.
redshift.vbs contents:
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & ".\redshift.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
dowodenum / gist:176b045d982391a9a25d85166c3a9ed1
Last active May 15, 2022 08:19
Streamlink on GrapheneOS (Android 12) via Termux, Liveproxy, MPV
Adapted from a reddit post:
Prerequisites (below F-Droid links, but you can also install it from Gulagle Play Store)
* [Termux](
* [MPV](
* or [VLC](
* For step 6: some kind of GUI text editor (ACode?), or use nano
After installing Termux and its API addon, we can proceed installing the packages required through Termux's own package manager.