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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am doxic on github.
  • I am doxic ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 288E BC6F 9505 96DB 3981 E4BF 6C4D 2605 6A31 A0E0

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# nginx - this script starts and stops the nginx daemin
# chkconfig: - 85 15
# description: Nginx is an HTTP(S) server, HTTP(S) reverse \
# proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
# processname: nginx
# config: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# pidfile: /var/run/
doxic /
Created May 27, 2016 15:21
Transparent Git Encryption

Transparent Git Encryption

This document has been modified from its [original format][m1], which was written by Ning Shang ( It has been updated and reformatted into a [Markdown][m2] document by [Woody Gilk][m3] and [republished][m4].


When working with a remote git repository which is hosted on a third-party storage server, data confidentiality sometimes becomes

// Future versions of Hyper may add additional config options,
// which will not automatically be merged into this file.
// See for all currently supported options.
module.exports = {
config: {
// Choose either "stable" for receiving highly polished,
// or "canary" for less polished but more frequent updates
updateChannel: 'stable',