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dph01 / gist:2049865
Created March 16, 2012 12:26
media streaming
def serve(reqdFile: String): Box[LiftResponse] = {
debug("request headers: " + => h._1 + "\t\t" + h._2 + "\n").toString).openOr(""))
User.currentUser match {
case Full(user) => {
try {
debug("starting in Media Server for logical file: " + reqdFile + ".....")
// e.g. turn 1092345.mp4 into (1092345,mp4)
$(document).ready( function() {
root: '/some/folder/',
script: 'jqueryFileTree.asp',
expandSpeed: 1000,
collapseSpeed: 1000,
multiFolder: false
}, function(file) {
// a utility class for building up the bits that encodes a char as we trawl down the CodeTree
case class Coding(char: Char, bits: List[Bit]) {
def addBit(b: Bit): Coding = this.copy(bits = b :: bits)
// this method builds up a list of codings for each character in the tree. E.g
// for a input of Fork(Fork(Leaf('a', 2), Leaf('b', 3), List('a', 'b'), 5), Leaf('d', 4), List('a', 'b', 'd'), 9)
// it returns List(Coding(a,List(0, 0)), Coding(b,List(0, 1)), Coding(d,List(1)))
// recurse down the tree, at each fork, add '0' to each bit pattern from the codings formed from the
val MustBeAdmin = If(() => User.superUser_?, "")
val entries = List(Menu("Home") / "index" >> LocGroup("main"),
Menu("Page 3") / "page3" >> LocGroup("main") >> PlaceHolder submenus (
Menu("Page 3a") / "page3a" ,
Menu("Page 3b") / "page3b" ,
Menu("Page 3c") / "page3c",
Menu("Admin 4") / "admin4" >> MustBeAdmin ),
Menu("Admin") / "dummyAdmin" >> MustBeAdmin >> LocGroup("main") >> PlaceHolder submenus (
Menu("Admin 1") / "admin1" ,
def signupMailBody(user: User, validationLink: String): Elem = {
val templatePath = List("user", "signupmailbody")
val template = Templates.findRawTemplate(templatePath, S.locale) => {
val out = ("#dear" #> user.shortName &
"#validationLink [href]" #> validationLink)(t)
}).openOr {
val msg = "template: " + templatePath + " not found"
val contextPath = LiftRules.context match {
case c: HTTPServletContext => Full(c.path)
case _ => Empty
info("Context Path is: " + contextPath )
val jettyResourceDir = Box.!!(System.getProperty("jetty.resource.dir"))
info("got jetty.resource.dir from system properties: " + jettyResourceDir)
val whereToLook = jettyResourceDir.flatMap( dir => { cp =>
val contextPath = LiftRules.context match {
case c: HTTPServletContext => Full(c.path)
case _ => Empty
info("Context Path is: " + contextPath )
val jettyResourceDir = Box.!!(System.getProperty("jetty.resource.dir"))
info("got jetty.resource.dir from system properties: " + jettyResourceDir)
val whereToLook = jettyResourceDir.flatMap( dir => { cp =>
def buynow(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
<form name="_xclick"
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" />
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value={amount.toString} />
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value={PaypalRules.currency.vend()} />
{ values.-("amount","currency_code","cmd","submit")
.map(x => <input type="hidden" name={x._1} value={x._2} />) }
<input type="image" src={PaypalRules.button.vend()} name="submit" alt="" />
object PaypalTransactionStatus extends Enumeration {
val CancelledReversalPayment = Value(1, "Cancelled_Reversal")
val ClearedPayment = Value(2, "Cleared")
val CompletedPayment = Value(3, "Completed")
val DeniedPayment = Value(4, "Denied")
val ExpiredPayment = Value(5, "Expired")
val FailedPayment = Value(6, "Failed")
val PendingPayment = Value(7, "Pending")
val RefundedPayment = Value(8, "Refunded")
val ReturnedPayment = Value(9, "Returned")
S.functionLifespan(true) {
pf(toMatch)() match {
case f: Failure =>
(true, Full(liftSession.checkRedirect(req.createNotFound(f))))