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Patrick Drechsler draptik

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draptik / Class1.cs
Created July 31, 2017 21:15
using FluentAssertions;
using Xunit;
namespace FooTests
/// <summary>
/// Important note: Fixtures can be shared across assemblies, but collection definitions must
/// be in the same assembly as the test that uses them.
docker run \
--rm \
-it \
-e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-p 4001:4001 \
-v ${PWD}/share/octopress:/octopress \
-v ${PWD}/ \
draptik/octopress:0.2 \
draptik / .gitconfig
Created March 14, 2017 21:51
git settings
default = simple
lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
ec = config --global -e
s = status
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b
up = pull --rebase
cm = !git add -A && git commit -m
gem install bundler execjs
cd /octopress
# Important: use `--path...`!
bundle install --path $HOME/.gem
draptik / CustomerController.cs
Created November 8, 2016 19:40 — forked from vkhorikov/CustomerController.cs
Handling failures and input errors in a functional way
public HttpResponseMessage CreateCustomer(string name, string billingInfo)
Result<BillingInfo> billingInfoResult = BillingInfo.Create(billingInfo);
Result<CustomerName> customerNameResult = CustomerName.Create(name);
return Result.Combine(billingInfoResult, customerNameResult)
.OnSuccess(() => _paymentGateway.ChargeCommission(billingInfoResult.Value))
.OnSuccess(() => new Customer(customerNameResult.Value))
# pacman -S python-virtualenvwrapper
$ echo 'WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs' >> ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc
$ mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
$ echo 'source /usr/bin/' > ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc
$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 --distribute blog_env
draptik / JS-LINQ.js
Created July 18, 2016 17:08 — forked from DanDiplo/JS-LINQ.js
JavaScript equivalents of some common C# LINQ methods. To help me remember!
// JS array equivalents to C# LINQ methods - by Dan B.
// Here's a simple array of "person" objects
var people = [
{ name: "John", age: 20 },
{ name: "Mary", age: 35 },
{ name: "Arthur", age: 78 },
{ name: "Mike", age: 27 },
{ name: "Judy", age: 42 },
{ name: "Tim", age: 8 }
draptik / javascript-nested-groupby-with-aggregation
Last active June 25, 2016 23:00
multi-level nesting (aka groupby) in javascript using d3.js (adapted from
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var d3 = require('d3');
describe('app', function () {
var myData = [
{ countryCode: 'DE', areaName: 'DE1', speciesName: 's1', totalScore: 1000 },
{ countryCode: 'DE', areaName: 'DE1', speciesName: 's2', totalScore: 2000 },
{ countryCode: 'DE', areaName: 'DE1', speciesName: 's3', totalScore: 3000 },
{ countryCode: 'DE', areaName: 'DE2', speciesName: 's1', totalScore: 1000 },
draptik / backup_large_files
Created October 9, 2012 19:36
Backup script using rdiff-backup, duplicity and rsync
# Setup:
# +--------+ +-----+
# | MyData | | HDD |
# | | (1) rdiff-backup | |
# | | ------------------> | |
# | | | | +-----+
# | | (2) duplicity | | (3) rsync | USB |
draptik /
Created August 11, 2012 13:42
PS1 prompt with git branch
# Idea from:
# Colors
# Note: We require escape '\[' and '\]' around the ansi escapes
# (i.e. '\e[0m')! Otherwise the shell does not know that the ansi
# escapes should be excluded from the line wrapping calculation.
# See