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Workin' on a Nazi stomping machine, per the usual.

Tim Miller drasticactions

Workin' on a Nazi stomping machine, per the usual.
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drasticactions / gist:f1971188a63da722c358
Created December 31, 2014 15:36
VLC Background Task Error
If you start playing music in VLC, the background task starts and handles it from there. That's good! If the main foreground app is running, it sends the commands to the background controls and the background controls, if pushed, send the commands back to the foreground app. Again, that's great!
Here starts the problem: if you start playing music in VLC, then kill the process (Hold the back error, hit X or swipe the app away), then restart VLC, it now has no knowledge of the background task, nor what's playing. Basically, you can get it into this state:
I started playing one band, killed the app, tried to play another, but it just uses the already running background task, so it does not update the playlist and just assumes whatever is playing is also is what's on the now playing screen... except it's not.
Note that this also happens if the app is suspended, not just killed. We have to check every single time the app starts or is starting from tombstone that the task is runni
drasticactions / gist:60541ee89af2d022ba5a
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
1 : いち(ichi)、い(i)、ひとつ(hitotsu)、ひと(hito)
2 : に(ni)、ふたつ(futatsu)、ふた(futa)、ふ(fu)、つ(tsu)(English "2")、じ(ji)
3 : さん(san)、さ(sa)、みっつ(Mitsu)、みつ(Mitsu)、み(mi)
4 : よん(Yon)、よ(yo)、よっつ(Yootsu)、し(shi)、ふぉ(English 4)、ほ(ho)
5 : ご(Go)、こ(ko)、い(i)、いつつ(Itsutsu)、いつ(Itsu)
6 : ろく(Roku)、ろ(Ro)、むっつ(Mutsu)、むつ(Mutsu)、む(Mu)
7 : しち(Shichi)、ななつ(Nanatsu)、なな(Nana)、な(na)
8 : はち(Hachi)、は(ha)、ぱあ(baa)、やっつ(Yatsu)、やつ(Yatsu)、や(ya)、やあ(yaa)
9 : きゅう(kyu)、きゅ(kyu)、く(ku)、ここのつ(Kokonatsu)、ここの(kokono)、こ(ko)
0 : れい(rei)、れ(re)、ぜろ(Zero)、ない(nai)、わ(Wa, From Character)、まる(Maru, From Character)、おー(O, Phonetic)
Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 19:32:55 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 141
Connection: keep-alive
{"message": "You need to enter a valid username. Valid usernames are between 4 and 20 characters and consist of English characters, - or _."}
Character Name: Doc
Dialog: ええ‥‥‥別に構いませんが‥‥‥。
New Dialog:
Character Name: JackOrSheila
Dialog: ここに飾られてる絵は?
New Dialog:
Character Name: Doc
Dialog: 有名な学者さん達です。私も科学者の端くれですから、こういった人達に憧れるんですよ。
namespace Kimono
public static class KimonoEngine
public static async Task<string> GetJson(string url)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
drasticactions / gist:7e82ae00f5f094ceb601
Created November 17, 2015 14:30
FFmpeg config error
/home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/scripts/../wrappers/clwrap -I/home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/vlc/contrib/arm-msvc-mingw32winrt/include -I/home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/vlc/contrib/arm-msvc-mingw32winrt/include -g -nologo -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS -D__ARM_PCS_VFP -c -Fo./ffconf.6GV6qmvk.o ./ffconf.lQYYz6UN.c
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\headers\winstorecompat.h(46): warning C4005: 'CreateEvent': macro redefinition
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.10586.0\um\synchapi.h(550): note: see previous definition of 'CreateEvent'
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\headers\winstorecompat.h(75): warning C4005: 'CreateSemaphore': macro redefinition
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.10586.0\um\winbase.h(2993): note: see previous definition of 'CreateSemaphore'
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\headers\winstorecompat.h(106): warning C4005: 'CreateMutex': macro redefinition
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.10586.0\um\synchapi.h(507): note: see pr
drasticactions / live555
Created November 17, 2015 21:22
/home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/scripts/../wrappers/clwrap -c -Iinclude -I../UsageEnvironme nt/include -I. -O -DSOCKLEN_T=int -DLOCALE_NOT_USED -D__MINGW32__ -Wall -Wno-dep recated GroupsockHelper.cpp
GroupsockHelper.cpp(43): error C2065: 'INADDR_ANY': undeclared identifier
GroupsockHelper.cpp(44): error C2065: 'INADDR_ANY': undeclared identifier
GroupsockHelper.cpp(91): error C2065: 'AF_INET': undeclared identifier
GroupsockHelper.cpp(91): error C3861: 'socket': identifier not found
GroupsockHelper.cpp(104): error C2065: 'SOCK_DGRAM': undeclared identifier
GroupsockHelper.cpp(112): error C2065: 'SOL_SOCKET': undeclared identifier
GroupsockHelper.cpp(112): error C2065: 'SO_REUSEADDR': undeclared identifier
GroupsockHelper.cpp(112): error C3861: 'setsockopt': identifier not found
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\vlc\contrib\windows\libarchive\libarchive\archive_windows.h(267): error C2061: syntax error: identifier '__la_waitpid'
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\vlc\contrib\windows\libarchive\libarchive\archive_windows.h(267): error C2059: syntax error: ';'
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\vlc\contrib\windows\libarchive\libarchive\archive_windows.h(267): error C2059: syntax error: '<parameter-list>'c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\vlc\contrib\windows\libarchive\libarchive\archive_windows.h(267): error C2061: syntax error: identifier '__la_waitpid'
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\vlc\contrib\windows\libarchive\libarchive\archive_windows.h(267): error C2059: syntax error: ';'
c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\vlc\contrib\windows\libarchive\libarchive\archive_windows.h(267): error C2061: syntax error: identifier '__la_waitpid'c:\msys64\home\t_mil\vlc-msvc\vlc\contrib\windows\libarchive\libarchive\archive_windows.h(267): error C2059: syntax error: '<parameter-list>'
install prefix /home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/vlc/contrib/arm-msvc-mingw32winrt
source path .
C compiler /home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/scripts/../wrappers/clwrap
C library msvcrt
host C compiler gcc
host C library newlib
ARCH arm (armv7-a)
big-endian no
runtime cpu detection no
ARMv5TE enabled yes
install prefix /home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/vlc/contrib/arm-msvc-mingw32winrt
source path .
C compiler /home/t_mil/vlc-msvc/scripts/../wrappers/clwrap
C library msvcrt
host C compiler gcc
host C library newlib
ARCH arm (armv7-a)
big-endian no
runtime cpu detection no
ARMv5TE enabled yes