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Andrew Drummond drummonda

  • Software Engineer
  • New York, NY
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drummonda /
Created August 23, 2018 15:54 — forked from dmzobel/
Immutable BST Algorithm


Immutable BST


Implement an immutable binary search tree class. The class constructor should accept (at least) a single argument which will represent the value for its root node. Each instance should have two methods: insert, which takes a numerical value and returns a new binary search tree containing that value, and contains, which takes a numerical value and returns true or false based on whether the tree contains it.

Insert should not mutate the existing binary search tree. That is:

class: center, middle


class: center, middle



Given an an array of numbers, find the length of the longest possible subsequence that is increasing. This subsequence can "jump" over numbers in the array. For example in [3, 10, 4, 5] the longest increasing subsequence (LIS) is [3, 4, 5].


longestIncreasingSubsequence([3, 4, 2, 1, 10, 6]);
// should return 3, the length of the longest increasing subsequence:
// 3, 4, 6 (or 3, 4, 10)

Decimal-To-Binary & reverse


Write 2 functions, one that takes the a number in base 10 (decimal) and converts it to the string representation of that number in base 2 (binary), and one that converts back.

You may not use parseInt, toString, or any similar function which does base conversion for you.


Interviewer Prompt (a)

Currying is the process by which a function of N arguments is implemented as N single-argument functions such that first of them takes in the first argument and returns a function which takes in the 2nd argument and so on, until the Nth single-argument function finally returns the value of the multi-argument function being implemented.

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