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Daniel Schmidt dsci

  • Leipzig, Germany
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(a gist based on the old toolmantim article on setting up remote repos)

To collaborate in a distributed development process you’ll need to push code to remotely accessible repositories.

This is somewhat of a follow-up to the previous article setting up a new rails app with git.

For the impatient

Set up the new bare repo on the server:

dsci / plugin_loader.rb
Created August 30, 2011 13:42 — forked from robhurring/plugin_loader.rb
Simple way to load Rails plugins in Sinatra
# Simple bootloader for Rails plugins in Sinatra
# This checkes the +plugin_folder+ for plugin-like bundles. For each folder it finds it will do:
# If the +lib+ folder exists: add it to our load path
# If a +init.rb+ file exists: require it
# Not very robust but it is lightweight for loading simple rails plugins
class PluginLoader
attr_reader :plugin_folder
def initialize(plugin_folder)
@plugin_folder = plugin_folder
dsci / rspec-syntax-cheat-sheet.rb
Created November 29, 2011 16:09 — forked from dnagir/rspec-syntax-cheat-sheet.rb
RSpec 2 syntax cheat sheet by example
# RSpec 2.0 syntax Cheet Sheet by
# defining spec within a module will automatically pick Player::MovieList as a 'subject' (see below)
module Player
describe MovieList, "with optional description" do
it "is pending example, so that you can write ones quickly"
it "is already working example that we want to suspend from failing temporarily" do
pending("working on another feature that temporarily breaks this one")
dsci / gist:1433824
Created December 5, 2011 14:49 — forked from jnunemaker/gist:217362
example of warden with sinatra
Warden::Manager.serialize_into_session{|user| }
Warden::Manager.serialize_from_session{|id| User.get(id) }
Warden::Manager.before_failure do |env,opts|
# Sinatra is very sensitive to the request method
# since authentication could fail on any type of method, we need
# to set it for the failure app so it is routed to the correct block
dsci /
Created December 5, 2011 14:57 — forked from thomasyip/
Sinatra + Warden & Rails + Devise Example
# /
# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
# File generated by "rails create MyApp"
# For Rails
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
# For Sinatra
require './slim/slim.rb'
# - Make sinatra play nice
dsci / face_detector.rb
Created December 7, 2011 17:47 — forked from pvinis/face_detector.rb
run with "macruby face_detector.rb" or "macruby face_detector.rb" for a photo of me with woody and buzz lightyear :p
framework 'Cocoa'
class NSColor
def toCGColor
color_RGB = colorUsingColorSpaceName(NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace)
## approach #1
# components ={}
# color_RGB.getRed(components[0],
# green: components[1],
# blue: components[2],
dsci / each_with_index.js
Created February 6, 2012 17:54 — forked from burin/
each_with_index handlebars helper, adds an {{index}} prop accessible from within the block
// {{#each_with_index records}}
// <li class="legend_item{{index}}"><span></span>{{Name}}</li>
// {{/each_with_index}}
Handlebars.registerHelper("each_with_index", function(array, fn) {
var buffer = "";
for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++) {
var item = array[i];
// stick an index property onto the item, starting with 1, may make configurable later
dsci / gist:1883477
Created February 22, 2012 08:56 — forked from shripadk/gist:652819
Express authentication using Redis for session store and Couchdb for database (in coffeescript!)
Module dependencies
require.paths.unshift "#{__dirname}/lib/support/express-csrf/"
require.paths.unshift "#{__dirname}/lib/support/node_hash/lib/"
express = require 'express'
app = module.exports = express.createServer()
RedisStore = require 'connect-redis'
dsci /
Created March 14, 2012 13:45 — forked from olivoil/
Mixins/Modules behavior in coffeescript. Thought of to be used with Backbone.js applications
# define module behavior
class Module
keywords = ['extended', 'included', 'initialize']
@extend = (obj) ->
for key, value of obj when key not in keywords
@[key] = value
dsci /
Last active December 14, 2015 23:59 — forked from lancejpollard/
moduleKeywords = ['included', 'extended', 'prototype']
class Class
# Rename an instance method
# ``` coffeescript
# class User
# @alias "methods", "instance_methods"
# ```