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apt-get install -y wget build-essential gettext autoconf automake libtool
bunzip2 -df mono-${MONO_VERSION}.tar.bz2
tar -xf mono-${MONO_VERSION}.tar
cd mono-${MONO_VERSION}
var animator = ( function animatorScope(){
var animating = false;
return function animator( input, incoming, outgoing, alwaysAnimate ){
var module = {
controller : input.controller || function(){},
view : function animatedView( ctrl ){
var view = ( input.view || input )( ctrl );
var cfg = view.attrs.config;
'use strict';
var m = require('mithril');
var extend = require('lodash').extend;
var setFocus = require('../util/viewhelper').setFocus;
var keymage = require('keymage');
function noop(){}
function addClass(el, className) {