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open System
let transfers =[| Some (Guid.NewGuid()),DateTime.Now |]
let FetchInternalTransfers (includeConfirmeds: bool) (transferStep: string) =
task {
let totalCount = transfers.Length
let! mapPrioritiesTransfers =
open System
open System.Threading
open FSharp.Core.CompilerServices.StateMachineHelpers
type Cancellable<'T> =
| Cancellable of (CancellationToken -> Result<'T, exn>)
member inline cf.Invoke(ct: CancellationToken) =
let (Cancellable f) = cf
open System
open System.Threading
type Cancellable<'T> = delegate of CancellationToken -> 'T
type CancellableBuilder() =
member _.Delay(body: unit -> Cancellable<'T>) =
Cancellable(fun ct ->
let computation = body()
type LongIdentWithTrivia(lid: LongIdent, dotRanges: range list, ?trivia: IdentTrivia option list) =
let triviaStored =
match trivia with
| None -> ValueNone
| Some l when l |> List.forall Option.isNone -> ValueNone
| Some l -> ValueSome (Array.ofList l)
let getTrivia() =
match triviaStored with
| ValueNone -> lid |> (fun _ -> None)
F# 7
1. For FSharp.Core
- assembly size reduced by 1MB
- resource blob FSharpMetadata containing zipped optdata + sigdata 320KB
- (name of this data)
- F# 7 compiler reads this blob
- extra file FSharp.Core.sigdata in nuget containing unzipped sigdata for consumption by F# 6 compilers

Some notes on debug stuff

Notes for Kathleen and Vlad.

Two techniques to fix things like 11262

1. Hack the generated IL

e.g. we want y in scope when stopped at x + 1:

namespace global
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
/// Naive ArgumentParser - only string arguments right now
/// Note expects "dotnet fsi vae.fsx <args>" as invocation
type ArgumentParser() =
let specs = ResizeArray()
dsyme / file1.fs
Last active February 15, 2022 15:22
#!/usr/bin/env -S dotnet fsi
#r "nuget: DiffSharp-cuda, 1.0.6"
#r @"..\bin\Debug\net6.0\fwdsgd.dll"
#load "argparse.fsx"
open System.IO
open DiffSharp
open DiffSharp.Model
open DiffSharp.Util
import argparse
import torch
import numpy as np
import pprint
import time
import os
import glob
import pprint
import sys
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
NonGeneric --> TypeHandle(NonGeneric)
--> MethodTable "NonGeneric" ~~~~> System.Type
---> vtable NonGeneric::VirtualMethod1
---> ...
---> vtable NonGeneric::VirtualMethod2
---> **iimpls** for NonGeneric
---> EEClass "NonGeneric"