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(docker rm -f manager node1 node2;docker network rm mynet;rm -f cmds)&>/dev/null
bold=$(tput bold)
normal=$(tput sgr0)
function doit() {
set +e
echo -n $bold"$ "
if [[ "$SKIP" == "" ]]; then read -s -n 1 ; fi
echo -n $*$normal" "
(docker rm -f manager node1 node2;docker network rm mynet;rm -f cmds)&>/dev/null
bold=$(tput bold)
normal=$(tput sgr0)
function doit() {
set +e
echo -n $bold"$ "
if [[ "$SKIP" == "" ]]; then read -s -n 1 ; fi
echo -n $*$normal" "
(docker swarm leave --force;docker rm -f node1;docker service rm $(docker service ls -q))&>/dev/null
bold=$(tput bold)
normal=$(tput sgr0)
function doit() {
set +e
echo -n $bold"$ "
if [[ "$SKIP" == "" ]]; then read -s -n 1 ; fi
echo -n $*$normal" "
package main
import (
all: init build test lint
.PHONY: format coverage
# If DOCKER is defined then make it the full docker cmd line we want to use
ifneq ($(origin DOCKER),undefined)
DOCKER=docker run --rm -ti \
-v $(PWD):/go/src/ \
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: local-volume-test
type: local
storage: 5Gi


two words



with ' punct

with . dot

with ... dots

"_id": "apsMyserviceParametersDemo_id",
"catalog": {
"bindable": true,
"name": "apsMyserviceParametersDemo",
"tags": [
"version": "",

Table of Contents

line link

section 1



section 1

section 1

duglin / PodPreset Ramblings
Last active July 12, 2017 20:46
PodPreset Ramblings
Some aspects that influence my thinking on this:
- having PodPresets in a Binding is causing problems
- first, because we'll be constantly chasing the real PodPreset definition
- second, because we actually don't want a full PodPreset with all of its features,
we just need the bits related to Secrets
- third, PodPresets (as of now) are immutable
- we need to allow for people to specify more than one LabelSelector at a time to support
upgrading of apps
- as long as the LabelSelector is immutable and embedded in a Binding we should separate the
idea of asking for creds from linking the creds to an app to allow for changing LabelSelectors