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simple script to merge multiple har files
usage: python out.har mylogs/*.har
import simplejson
import sys
def merge(out_fn, in_files):
merged_log = {
'version': '1.1',
from spidermonkey import Runtime
import sys
rt = Runtime()
def jsprint(*args):
print " ".join(str(a) for a in args)
def _require(source):
cx = newcontext()
module.exports = connect.createServer(
connect.router(function(app) {'/posttest', function(req, resp, params) {
sys.puts('post request');
var body = '';
req.addListener('data', function(data) {
sys.puts('data'+ data);
body += data;
var connect = require('connect'),
sys = require('sys');
if( 0 ) {
// this works
module.exports = connect.createServer(
function(req, resp) {
sys.puts('json request');
var body = '';
dunk@somehost:/tmp$ sudo npm install fatbot
npm it worked if it ends with ok
npm configfile /home/dunk/.npmrc
npm cli [ 'install', 'fatbot' ]
npm version 0.1.20
npm install pkg fatbot
npm fetch data fatbot
npm GET fatbot
npm install pkg fatbot
npm install pkg fatbot@0.0.1
// Retrieving the "dashboard" object will tell you how to draw the
// dashboard. I've organized the things with "panes" so if we want to
// add a right top or bottom one later the data format already
// supports it.
var exdata = {
"dashboard": {
"name" : "mydashboard",
// list a directory
command: 'ls',
arguments: [
{'uri': '/home/dunk/*.json'}
// list a directory and grep the returned files for foo


some things that need explaining first

uri:            default scheme is file://
pin:            pipe in
pout:           pipe out
json selector:  from here
"developer": {
"description":"music player",
// this works
Router = new Backbone.Router({
routes: {
'': 'accounts',
'accounts/:account_id': 'accounts',
'accounts/:account_id/campaigns': 'accounts',
'accounts/:account_id/campaigns/:campaign_id': 'accounts'
accounts: function() {
console.log('accounts', arguments);