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Created October 13, 2022 09:38
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Verification example
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"# 1. Theory of Arrays $T_A$\n",
"$\\Sigma_A : \\{select, store, =\\}$ where\n",
"- $select(a,i)$ is a binary function that reads array $a$ at index $i$\n",
"- $store(a, i, v)$ s a ternary function that writes value $v$ to index $i$ of array $a$\n",
"Axioms of $T_A$ [McCarthy]\n",
"- $\\forall a, i, j. i = j \\Rightarrow select(a,i) = select(a,j)$ (array congruence)\n",
"- $\\forall a,v,i,j. i = j \\Rightarrow select(store(a,i,v),j) = v$ (read-over-write)\n",
"- $\\forall a,v,i,j. i \\neq j \\Rightarrow select(store(a,i,v),j) = select(a,j)$\n",
"- $\\forall a, b. \\exists i. a \\neq b \\Rightarrow select(a, i) \\neq select(b, i)$\n",
"Z3 employs the theories of equality with uninterpreted functions (UEF) to implement axioms above.\n",
"### Example 1:\n",
"$a, b$ are 1-dimension arrays and $x$ is an index\n",
"$a[x] = 10$ **encode**: $Store(a, x, 10)$\n",
"$a[x] = 10; a[x] + 100 > 10$ \n",
"**encode**: $b = Store(a, x, 10) \\land Select(b, x) + 100 > 10$\n",
"### Example 2:\n",
"$a, b$ are 2-dimension arrays and $x, y$ are indexes\n",
"$a[x][y] = 10$ **encode**: $Store(a, x, Store(Select(a, x), y, 10))$\n",
"$a[x][y] = 10; a[x][y] + 100 > 10$ **encode**: $b = Store(a, x, Store(Select(a, x), y, 10)) \\land Select(Select(b, x), y) + 100 > 10$\n",
"# 2. Algebraic Datatypes\n",
"The theory of first-order algebraic data-types captures the theory of finite trees. It is characterized by the properties that:\n",
"- All trees are finite (occurs check).\n",
"- All trees are generated from the constructors (no junk).\n",
"- Two trees are equal if and only if they are constructed exactly the same way (no confusion).\n",
"Example 3: Binary tree\n",
"Z = IntSort() # type int\n",
"Tree = Datatype('Tree')\n",
"Tree.declare('Node', ('left', Tree), ('data', Z), ('right', Tree))\n",
"Tree = Tree.create()\n",
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"# Demo"
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"!pip install z3-solver\n",
"from z3 import *"
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"Looking in indexes:,\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: z3-solver in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (\n"
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"Z = IntSort()\n",
"B = BoolSort()\n",
"A = ArraySort(Z, ArraySort(Z, Z)) # A: Z -> (Z -> Z)"
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"# code\n",
"struct ABC {uint a; bool b}\n",
"uint[][] xs;\n",
"bool ok;\n",
"int z;\n",
"ABC abc = ABC(10, 20);\n",
"xs[0][10] = 100;\n",
"z = 2 + xs[0][10] + abc.a;\n",
"assert(z == 112)\n",
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"# Verification"
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"# Create type ABC\n",
"ABC = Datatype('ABC')\n",
"ABC.declare('data', ('a', Z), ('b', B))\n",
"ABC = ABC.create()\n",
"# Create type Sigma\n",
"Sigma = Datatype('Sigma')\n",
"Sigma.declare('data', ('xs', A), ('ok', B), ('z', Z), ('abc', ABC))\n",
"Sigma = Sigma.create()\n",
"# Create initial state sigma\n",
"sigma = Const('sigma', Sigma)\n",
"# ❮ abc := ABC(10, 20), sigma_0 ❯ ⇩ sigma_1\n",
"abc = TSelect(sigma, 'abc')\n",
"abc = TStore(abc, 'a', 10) # abc.a = 10\n",
"abc = TStore(abc, 'b', BoolVal(True)) # abc.b = True\n",
"sigma = TStore(sigma, 'abc', abc)\n",
"# ❮ xs[0][10] := 100, sigma_1 ❯ ⇩ sigma_2\n",
"xs = TSelect(sigma, 'xs') \n",
"xs = Store(xs, 0, Store(Select(xs, 0), 10, 100)) # xs[0][10] = 100\n",
"sigma = TStore(sigma, 'xs', xs)\n",
"# ❮ z := 2 + xs[0][10] + abc.a, sigma_2 ❯ ⇩ sigma_3\n",
"z = TSelect(sigma, 'z')\n",
"xs = TSelect(sigma, 'xs')\n",
"abc = TSelect(sigma, 'abc')\n",
"z = 2 + Select(Select(xs, 0), 10) + TSelect(abc, 'a') # z = xs[0][10] + 2 + abc.a\n",
"sigma = TStore(sigma, 'z', z)\n",
"# assert(z == 112)\n",
"z = TSelect(sigma, 'z')\n",
"xs = TSelect(sigma, 'xs')\n",
"abc = TSelect(sigma, 'abc')\n",
"solver = Solver()\n",
"print('result: {}'.format(solver.check(z == 112)))\n",
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"result: sat\n",
"data(10, True)\n",
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"source": [
"# Similar to Store. However it works on struct\n",
"def TStore(sigma, name, val):\n",
" values = []\n",
" sort = sigma.sort()\n",
" for idx in range(sort.constructor(0).arity()):\n",
" acc = sort.accessor(0, idx)\n",
" if == name:\n",
" values.append(val)\n",
" else:\n",
" values.append(acc(sigma))\n",
" return sort.constructor(0)(values)\n",
"# Similar to Select. However it works on struct\n",
"def TSelect(sigma, name):\n",
" sort = sigma.sort()\n",
" for idx in range(sort.constructor(0).arity()):\n",
" acc = sort.accessor(0, idx)\n",
" if == name:\n",
" return acc(sigma)\n",
" return None"
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