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dvnmk / toggle-case.lisp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
"aBcDe -> AbCdE"
(defun toggle-case (string)
""aBcDe1" -> "AbCdE1""
(do* ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(len (length string))
(res string))
((equal i len) res)
(let ((ele (aref string i)))
(if (< (char-code ele) 91) ; ascii A 65 ~ Z 90, a 97 ~ z 122
(setf (aref string i) (char-downcase ele))
(setf (aref string i) (char-upcase ele))))))
dvnmk / toggle-case-of-string.el
Created January 20, 2015 13:08
"aBcDe2" -> "AbCdE2"
(defun toggle-case (string)
""aBcDe" -> "AbCdE""
(do* ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(len (length string))
(res string))
((equal i len) res)
(let ((ele (aref string i)))
(if (< ele 91) ; ascii A 65 ~ Z 90, a 97 ~ z 122
(aset string i (downcase ele))
dvnmk / gist:f6bb5de9c43b9f40dba6
Created January 27, 2015 03:48
ccl tcp socket m with
(defun st (port)
(ccl:with-open-socket (socket :connect :passive
:format :text
:local-port port
:reuse-address t)
(with-open-stream (stream (ccl:accept-connection socket))
(princ "CCL example response" stream))))
; example call
(st 20000)
dvnmk / basemodui_schme.res
Created September 6, 2015 13:24
// Object Control Panel scheme resource file
// sections:
// Colors - all the colors used by the scheme
// BaseSettings - contains settings for app to use to draw controls
// Fonts - list of all the fonts used by app
// Borders - description of all the borders
// hit ctrl-alt-shift-R in the app to reload this file
dvnmk / clientscheme.res
Created September 6, 2015 13:25
// Tracker scheme resource file
// sections:
// Colors - all the colors used by the scheme
// BaseSettings - contains settings for app to use to draw controls
// Fonts - list of all the fonts used by app
// Borders - description of all the borders
dvnmk /
Created September 15, 2015 16:03
pi@startx ~ $ cat
$file_name = "tex.txt";
open(TEXT, $file_name);
$out_string = <TEXT>;
close (TEXT);
@ascii_character_numbers = unpack("C*", "$out_string");
print "@ascii_character_numbers\n";
;; rpi - [hdmi] - [hdmi -> dvi + audio] - [dvi -> d-sub] - [d-sub] - u2410
;; - [dvi] - [dvi] - u2410
;; rpi - [hdmi] - [hdmi -> dvi] - [dvi selector] - [dvi -> hdmi] - [hdmi -> d-sub] - [d-sub] - u2410
;; - [dvi] - [dvi] -u2410
rpi - [hdmi] - [hdmi splitter] - [hdmi -> d-sub + audio] - [d-sub] - u2410
- [hdmi -> dvi] - [dvi] -u2410
dmb - [hdmi] - - [hdmi] - u2410
;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Lisp evaluation.
;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
this is startx-buffer
(async-shell-command "mpv --no-video ''")
;C-c-c stop CHILD
(start-process "jujuclub" "jujuclub-musik" "mpv" "")