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Created October 12, 2016 04:37
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Example of interleaving data streams with Fuel and conditional processing with Blocks.
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"# Example: Dispatching multiple algorithms on an interleaved data stream"
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"**Objective:** we'd like to have a `DataStream` that alternatingly returns batches from two (or more) different underlying `DataStream`s. The problem is we'd like a way to *identify* which stream a given batch came from, information that we'd like to use to *process them differently* during training."
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"First, we'll create an interleaving DataStream that lets you alternate batches from several different streams. We won't bother implementing `get_data` because we only care about epoch iterators. We'll use the `interleave` function from `picklable_itertools.extras` (which is reimplemented from the version in [Toolz]("
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"source": [
"from picklable_itertools.extras import interleave\n",
"from fuel.streams import AbstractDataStream\n",
"class Interleave(AbstractDataStream):\n",
" def __init__(self, streams, **kwargs):\n",
" self.streams = streams\n",
" super(Interleave, self).__init__(**kwargs)\n",
" def get_data(self):\n",
" # Nothing sensible can be easily done here\n",
" raise NotImplementedError\n",
" def next_epoch(self):\n",
" for stream in self.streams:\n",
" stream.next_epoch()\n",
" def close(self):\n",
" for stream in self.streams:\n",
" stream.close()\n",
" def reset(self):\n",
" for stream in self.streams:\n",
" stream.reset()\n",
" def get_epoch_iterator(self, as_dict=False):\n",
" return interleave([s.get_epoch_iterator(as_dict=as_dict) for s in self.streams])"
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"We'd like our algorithm to take different actions based on which original stream the batch came from. Rather than complicate the `Interleave` stream more we can instead create a transformer that adds a source containing an arbitrary token in every batch. We'll use this token to identify which original stream the batch came from."
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"source": [
"from fuel.transformers import Transformer\n",
"class IdentifierSource(Transformer):\n",
" \"\"\"Add a source to the DataStream that is just a repeating stream identifier.\"\"\"\n",
" def __init__(self, stream, new_source_name, id_value, **kwargs):\n",
" self.id_source_name = new_source_name\n",
" self.id_value = id_value\n",
" super(IdentifierSource, self).__init__(stream, **kwargs)\n",
" @property\n",
" def produces_examples(self):\n",
" return self.data_stream.produces_examples\n",
" @property\n",
" def sources(self):\n",
" return super(IdentifierSource, self).sources + (self.id_source_name,)\n",
" def transform_batch(self, batch):\n",
" return batch + (self.id_value,)"
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"Finally we'll add a simple `TrainingAlgorithm` to dispatch a batch to one of several delegate `TrainingAlgorithm`s based on such an identifier source. It takes a name for the identifier source to check, and a dictionary mapping identifier tokens that might appear in that source to `TrainingAlgorithm`s."
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"execution_count": 26,
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"source": [
"from blocks.algorithms import TrainingAlgorithm\n",
"class SourceRoutedTrainingAlgorithm(TrainingAlgorithm):\n",
" def __init__(self, identifier_source, algorithm_dict, **kwargs):\n",
" self.identifier_source = identifier_source\n",
" self.algorithm_dict = algorithm_dict\n",
" super(SourceRoutedTrainingAlgorithm, self).__init__(**kwargs)\n",
" \n",
" def initialize(self):\n",
" for key in sorted(self.algorithm_dict): # sorted for consistent execution order\n",
" self.algorithm_dict[key].initialize()\n",
" def process_batch(self, batch):\n",
" # .pop() because we don't want/need the delegate algorithm to get the identifier token.\n",
" identifier = batch.pop(self.identifier_source)\n",
" return self.algorithm_dict[identifier].process_batch(batch)"
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"Now, let's assemble a stream that alternates batches of MNIST and CIFAR10."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
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"source": [
"from fuel.datasets import MNIST, CIFAR10\n",
"from fuel.streams import DataStream\n",
"from fuel.schemes import SequentialScheme\n",
"def make_stream(dataset, batch_size):\n",
" scheme = SequentialScheme(batch_size=batch_size, examples=dataset.num_examples)\n",
" return DataStream.default_stream(dataset, iteration_scheme=scheme)\n",
"mnist_stream = make_stream(MNIST(('train',)), 10)\n",
"cifar_stream = make_stream(CIFAR10(('train',)), 20)\n",
"# The 'which_stream' source will contain either the string 'mnist' or 'cifar'.\n",
"interleaved = Interleave([IdentifierSource(mnist_stream, 'which_stream', 'mnist'),\n",
" IdentifierSource(cifar_stream, 'which_stream', 'cifar')])"
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"Testing it out: we'll create a dummy algorithm class that just prints some stuff. Ordinarily you'd probably use `GradientDescent` or something like that."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 22,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class DummyAlgorithm(TrainingAlgorithm):\n",
" def __init__(self, number, **kwargs):\n",
" self.number = number\n",
" super().__init__(**kwargs)\n",
" \n",
" def initialize(self):\n",
" print('Algorithm %d initialized' % self.number)\n",
" \n",
" def process_batch(self, batch):\n",
" print('Training algorithm %d reporting' % self.number)\n",
" print('Got minibatch with sources:', list(batch.keys()))\n",
" # Print out the shape so we can visually verify whether it's a MNIST\n",
" # or CIFAR batch. Recall that MNIST is 28x28 and CIFAR10 is 32x32,\n",
" # and the base streams have different batch sizes (10 and 20).\n",
" print('features.shape =', batch['features'].shape)"
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"Now we'll create a `SourceRoutedTrainingAlgorithm` that routes to two different `DummyAlgorithms` depending on whether the batch is an MNIST batch or a CIFAR batch."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 23,
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"name": "stdout",
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"text": [
"Algorithm 2 initialized\n",
"Algorithm 1 initialized\n",
"Training algorithm 1 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (10, 1, 28, 28)\n",
"Training algorithm 2 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (20, 3, 32, 32)\n",
"Training algorithm 1 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (10, 1, 28, 28)\n",
"Training algorithm 2 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (20, 3, 32, 32)\n",
"Training algorithm 1 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (10, 1, 28, 28)\n",
"Training algorithm 2 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (20, 3, 32, 32)\n",
"Training algorithm 1 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (10, 1, 28, 28)\n",
"Training algorithm 2 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (20, 3, 32, 32)\n",
"Training algorithm 1 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (10, 1, 28, 28)\n",
"Training algorithm 2 reporting\n",
"Got minibatch with sources: ['targets', 'features']\n",
"features.shape = (20, 3, 32, 32)\n"
"source": [
"from blocks.main_loop import MainLoop\n",
"from blocks.extensions import FinishAfter\n",
"algorithm = SourceRoutedTrainingAlgorithm('which_stream',\n",
" {k: DummyAlgorithm(n + 1)\n",
" for n, k in enumerate(['mnist', 'cifar'])})\n",
"MainLoop(data_stream=interleaved, algorithm=algorithm,\n",
" extensions=[FinishAfter(after_n_batches=10)]).run()"
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Great post. This would be great help.

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apeterswu commented Oct 24, 2016

I met one problem while using this:

return super(IdentifierSource, self).sources + (self.id_source_name,)
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "tuple") to list.

Do I need to change like:

return super(IdentifierSource, self).sources + [self.id_source_name, ]

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