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0. Via VNC mit dem Raspberry Pi verbinden.
1. Shell Starten (Terminal) und Commands ausführen:
cd rpi*
cd ex*
2. Countdown starten mit folgendem Befehl (die Zahl nach dem ./ definiert die Anzahl Sekunden!):
./ 15 | sudo ./text-example -f ../fonts/9x15.bdf -C 255,0,0 --led-show-refresh --led-rows=32 --led-cols=64 -y 8 --led-chain=2 -x 1 --led-no-hardware-pulse --led-gpio-mapping=adafruit-hat
3. Bevor der Countdown beendet wird, die übrige Zeit aufschreiben.
dxmekch /
Last active March 7, 2021 19:19
This GIST is all about flighttracking and sharing data with other sites like adsbexchange, flightradar, flighaware, planefinder etc.


This GIST is all about flighttracking and sharing data with other sites as adsbexchange, flightradar, flighaware, planefinder etc.

Pre Requisites for tracking

Things you need to install, to track planes and stats:

  • READSB (will connect to your local USB RTLSDR or a network connection)
  • TAR1090 will be used as our frontend
  • GRAPHS1090 will be used as our main stats tool (be aware only on pi all information will be available such as core temp)