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# Create a more gnuish userspace
cmds="ar as awk basename cat chgrp chmod chown chroot cksum cmp comm
cp csplit cut date dd df diff diff3 diffmk dirname du echo
egrep env eqn expand expr factor false fgrep find fmt fold gprof
grep groups head hostid id indxbib install join kadmin kill ld link
ln logname lookbib ls make mkdir mkfifo mknod mktemp mv neqn nice nl
nm nohup nroff od paste patch pathchk pr printf prof pwd ranlib
refer rm rmdir sdiff sed size sleep soelim sort split strings strip
process.on("unhandledException", function (er) {
process.exit(er.errno || 1)
if [ ${SCRIPT:0:1} == "/" ]; then
SCRIPT="$(basename -- "$SCRIPT")"
main () {