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Instagram photos by username for dashing

I struggled a while to create a dashing widget that would display images posted by a specific user. I build this upon the great foundation by @mjamieson that can be found here. To run this you will need a Dashing dashboard, the official Instagram ruby gem and access to the Instagram Developer API.

Getting set up

You will need to put some files into the right place in order to make this work:

  • instagram.rb goes into the /jobs/ subfolder of your dashing installation
dyscribe /
Last active October 11, 2018 01:31
A tutorial on how to record a Skype call in Logic Pro X (or your DAW) on a Mac for free and without any additional hardware.

Use case and assumptions

  • You want to record a Skype call with separate tracks for you and your guest in Logic Pro X (or another DAW) on a Mac without any additional hardware
  • You are willing to use and modify open source software to do it free (there are payed alternatives like
  • You will end up having a virtual aggregated sound device, that contains the original soundcard you are using plus 2 virtual channels to send and receive Skype audio
  • This tutorial will help you to perform the setup for recording a 1:1 dialogue in Skype on separate tracks. If you want to record several participants you will need to adjust the setup


Soundflower is no software from an Apple authorized vendor, so you might need to adjust your system preferences, to be able to install software from third party vendors. Here's how to do that:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am dyscribe on github.
  • I am dyscribe ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 340B 6B02 B763 1F9E 0521 2646 EC62 EB47 A1DB 5EB2

To claim this, I am signing this object: