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NodeJS: Streams with (almost) real life examples

General idea

Basic idea of stream in software engineering implies existence of a data source and some destination entity to which the stream should output processed data. Simple bash example below should demonstrate how to get a list of all files with .js extension in a current working directory:

ls -la | grep ".js$"
interface IParticipant {
name: string;
interface IMatch {
host: string;
visitor: string;
type Participants = IParticipant[];
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import (
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list item as input
(setq work-duration (ivy-completing-read "Select amount of hours spent: "
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function dzch-deep-read
fd $argv[1] -tf -X $dzch_gui_text_editor
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function pack
read -l -P 'Please provide the output tarball name (without extension): ' tarball_name
tar -czvf $tarball_name.tgz $argv[1]