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Last active March 10, 2019 12:18
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vba transform condition
Sub execute()
Dim sourceNameSheet As String: sourceNameSheet = "свод"
Dim parseNameSheet As String: parseNameSheet = "parse"
Dim sourceWs As Worksheet
Set sourceWs = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(sourceNameSheet)
Dim targetWs As Worksheet
Set targetWs = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(parseNameSheet)
Dim startRow As Long: startRow = 2
Dim rowConuntTargetSheet As Long: rowConuntTargetSheet = 2
Do While (sourceWs.Cells(startRow, 1) <> "")
Dim nameTY As String
Dim monthData As String
Dim nameGm As String: nameGm = sourceWs.Cells(startRow, 3)
For c = 5 To 47
nameTY = sourceWs.Cells(1, c)
monthData = sourceWs.Cells(startRow, c)
'Сделано 2 раза, так как в одной ячейке может быть две даты
rowConuntTargetSheet = checkAndCopyToSheet(targetWs, "11.2017", "11.17", monthData, "Ноябрь", nameTY, nameGm, rowConuntTargetSheet)
rowConuntTargetSheet = checkAndCopyToSheet(targetWs, "12.2017", "12.17", monthData, "Декабрь", nameTY, nameGm, rowConuntTargetSheet)
Next c
startRow = startRow + 1
Debug.Print "process row: " & CStr(startRow)
Debug.Print "process complete"
End Sub
Private Function checkAndCopyToSheet(targetWs, checkValue, checkValue1, monthData, nameMonth, nameTY, nameGm, rowConuntTargetSheet) As Long
If InStr(monthData, checkValue) > 0 Or InStr(monthData, checkValue1) > 0 Then
targetWs.Cells(rowConuntTargetSheet, 1) = nameTY
targetWs.Cells(rowConuntTargetSheet, 2) = nameMonth
targetWs.Cells(rowConuntTargetSheet, 3) = nameGm
targetWs.Cells(rowConuntTargetSheet, 4) = monthData
rowConuntTargetSheet = rowConuntTargetSheet + 1
End If
checkAndCopyToSheet = rowConuntTargetSheet
End Function
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