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upickle scala json API cookbook as unit test cases. / published by #27899ec3-598b-4734-a4ec-98cd27b29276/944d1e1bc7a14e02ba2b2b3ce108768cd0815839
// summary : upickle scala json API cookbook as unit test cases.
// keywords : scala, scalatest, upickle, json, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 27899ec3-598b-4734-a4ec-98cd27b29276
// created-on : 2019-09-27T21:04:36Z
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.16"
//> using dep "com.lihaoyi::upickle:1.4.3"
//> using objectWrapper
// ---------------------
object OptionPickler extends upickle.AttributeTagged {
override implicit def OptionWriter[T: Writer]: Writer[Option[T]] =
implicitly[Writer[T]].comap[Option[T]] {
case None => null.asInstanceOf[T]
case Some(x) => x
override implicit def OptionReader[T: Reader]: Reader[Option[T]] = {
new Reader.Delegate[Any, Option[T]](implicitly[Reader[T]].map(Some(_))) {
override def visitNull(index: Int) = None
import upickle.default.ReadWriter
import org.scalatest.*, matchers.*
case class Person(age: Int, name: String)
case class Person2(age: Int, name: String) derives ReadWriter
case class Person3(age: Int, name: String, gender: Option[String]) derives ReadWriter
case class Person4(age: Int, name: String, gender: Option[String]) derives OptionPickler.ReadWriter
class JsonUpickleCookBook extends flatspec.AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers {
override def suiteName = "JsonUpickleCookBook"
"upickle" should "deserialize json array strings" in {
val decoded =[Array[Int]]("""[1,2,3]""")
decoded shouldBe Array(1, 2, 3)
it should "deserialize scala case classes ?" in {
val decoded =[Person2]("""{"age":42, "name":"john"}""")
decoded shouldBe Person2(42, "john")
it should "deserialize scala case classes with optional field? default require a subarray !!" in {
val decoded =[Person3]("""{"age":42, "name":"john", "gender":["male"]}""")
decoded shouldBe Person3(42, "john", Some("male"))
it should "deserialize scala case classes with optional field? " in {
val decoded =[Person4]("""{"age":42, "name":"john", "gender":"male"}""")
decoded shouldBe Person4(42, "john", Some("male"))
it should "deserialize scala list" in {
val decoded =[List[Int]]("""[1,2,3]""")
decoded shouldBe List(1, 2, 3)
it should "provide an AST" in {
import ujson.*
val json = Obj(
"age" -> Num(42),
"name" -> Str("john"),
"gender" -> Arr("truc", "bidule")
upickle.default.write(json) shouldBe """{"age":42,"name":"john","gender":["truc","bidule"]}"""
// it should "be able to jsonify map data structure" in {
// val jwtId = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString
// val nowEpochSeconds =
// val result =
// s"""{
// | "jti" : "$jwtId",
// | "iss" : "this-app",
// | "iat" : $nowEpochSeconds,
// | "exp" : ${nowEpochSeconds + 60L},
// | "nbf" : ${nowEpochSeconds + 2L},
// | "sub" : ""
// | "user" : 1
// |}""".stripMargin
// val claim = Map(
// "jti" -> jwtId, // JTW ID
// "iss" -> "this-app", // Issuer
// "iat" -> nowEpochSeconds, // Issued at
// "exp" -> (nowEpochSeconds + 60L), // Expiration time
// "nbf" -> (nowEpochSeconds + 2L), // Not before
// "sub" -> "", // The subject
// "user" -> 1
// )
// upickle.default.write(claim)
// }
}"-oDF", "-s", classOf[JsonUpickleCookBook].getName))
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