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Last active April 19, 2022 09:17
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Add Text or Insert Image in XPS Document Programmatically in Java
// Create new XPS Document
XpsDocument doc = new XpsDocument();
// Add Text
XpsSolidColorBrush textFill = doc.createSolidColorBrush(Color.BLACK);
XpsGlyphs glyphs = doc.addGlyphs("Arial", 20, XpsFontStyle.Regular, 400f, 200f, "AVAJ rof egaP.esopsA");
// Save resultant XPS document"AddEncodingText_out.xps");
// Create new XPS Document
XpsDocument doc = new XpsDocument();
//Create a brush
XpsSolidColorBrush textFill = doc.createSolidColorBrush(Color.BLACK);
//Add glyph to the document
XpsGlyphs glyphs = doc.addGlyphs("Arial", 12, XpsFontStyle.Regular, 300f, 450f, "Hello World!");
// Save resultant XPS document"AddText_out.xps");
// Create new XPS Document
XpsDocument doc = new XpsDocument();
// Add Image
XpsPath path = doc.addPath(doc.createPathGeometry("M 30,20 l 258.24,0 0,56.64 -258.24,0 Z"));
// Creating a matrix is optional, it can be used for proper positioning
path.setRenderTransform(doc.createMatrix(0.7f, 0f, 0f, 0.7f, 0f, 20f));
// Create Image Brush
path.setFill(doc.createImageBrush("QL_logo_color.tif", new Rectangle2D.Double(0f, 0f, 258.24f, 56.64f), new Rectangle2D.Double(50f, 20f, 193.68f, 42.48f)));
// Save resultant XPS document"AddImage_out.xps");
// Create new XPS Document
XpsDocument doc = new XpsDocument();
// ImageBrush filled rectangle in the right top bellow
XpsPath path = doc.addPath(doc.createPathGeometry("M 10,160 L 228,160 228,305 10,305"));
new Rectangle2D.Float(0f, 0f, 128f, 96f), new Rectangle2D.Float(0f, 0f, 64f, 48f)));
// Save resultant XPS document"AddTiledImage_out.xps");
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