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Created September 5, 2012 08:49
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Gems included by the bundle:
* aasm (3.0.8)
* actionmailer (3.2.2)
* actionpack (3.2.2)
* active_link_to (1.0.0)
* activemodel (3.2.2)
* activerecord (3.2.2)
* activeresource (3.2.2)
* activesupport (3.2.2)
* acts-as-taggable-on (2.2.2)
* addressable (2.2.8)
* aq_banking (0.0.0)
* arel (3.0.2)
* aws-s3 (0.6.3)
* aws-sdk (1.5.6)
* backbone-on-rails (
* backbone-support (0.2.0)
* bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
* bourbon (2.1.1)
* browser (0.1.4)
* builder (3.0.0)
* bundler (1.1.3)
* cancan (1.6.8)
* capistrano (2.12.0 e82de1c)
* capistrano-ext (1.2.1)
* capybara (1.1.2 c4db33a)
* capybara-webkit (0.12.1)
* childprocess (0.3.3)
* chronic (0.6.7)
* chunky_png (1.2.5)
* client_side_validations (3.2.0.beta.3 db68ba1)
* cocaine (0.2.1)
* codemirror-rails (2.24)
* coderay (1.0.6)
* coffee-rails (3.2.2)
* coffee-script (2.2.0)
* coffee-script-source (1.3.3)
* compass (0.12.2)
* compass-rails (1.0.3)
* cookiejar (0.3.0)
* crack (0.3.1)
* css_parser (1.2.6)
* daemons (1.1.8)
* database_cleaner (0.8.0)
* delayed_job (3.0.3)
* delayed_job_active_record (0.3.2)
* delayed_job_web (1.1.2)
* devise (2.1.2)
* devise-encryptable (0.1.1)
* devise_invitable (1.0.2)
* diff-lcs (1.1.3)
* dynamic_form (1.1.4)
* easy_help (0.0.1)
* easypep_api (0.0.1)
* easypep_editorial (0.0.1)
* easypep_mobile (0.0.1)
* eco (1.0.0)
* eco-source (1.1.0.rc.1)
* ejs (1.0.0)
* em-http-request (0.3.0)
* em-websocket (0.3.6)
* erubis (2.7.0)
* escape_utils (0.2.4)
* eventmachine (0.12.10)
* exception_notification (2.6.1)
* execjs (1.4.0)
* factory_girl (3.5.0)
* factory_girl_rails (3.5.0)
* faker (1.0.1)
* faraday (0.8.1)
* faye (0.8.2)
* faye-websocket (0.4.5)
* ffi (1.0.11)
* foreman (0.47.0)
* formtastic (2.2.1)
* friendly_id (4.0.7)
* fssm (0.2.9)
* garb (0.9.1)
* gattica (0.6.2 87ff358)
* globalize3 (0.2.0)
* google_visualr (2.1.2)
* growl (1.0.3)
* growl-rspec (0.0.1)
* guard (1.1.1)
* guard-bundler (1.0.0)
* guard-livereload (1.0.0)
* guard-migrate (0.1.1)
* guard-rspec (1.1.0)
* guard-spork (1.1.0)
* haml (3.1.6)
* haml-rails (0.3.4)
* hashie (1.2.0)
* highline (1.6.13)
* hike (1.2.1)
* hpricot (0.8.6)
* httparty (0.8.3)
* httpauth (0.1)
* httpclient (2.2.5)
* i18n (0.6.0)
* i18n-js (2.1.2)
* journey (1.0.4)
* jquery-rails (2.0.2)
* json (1.7.3)
* kaminari (0.13.0)
* kgio (2.7.4)
* launchy (2.1.0)
* libv8 (
* libwebsocket (0.1.3)
* liquid (2.3.0)
* listen (0.4.7)
* log_buddy (0.7.0)
* mail (2.4.4)
* markdownizer (0.3.6)
* method_source (0.7.1)
* mime-types (1.19)
* multi_json (1.3.6)
* multi_xml (0.5.1)
* multipart-post (1.1.5)
* mysql2 (0.3.11)
* net-scp (1.0.4)
* net-sftp (2.0.5)
* net-ssh (2.5.2)
* net-ssh-gateway (1.1.0)
* newrelic_rpm (
* nifty-generators (0.4.6)
* nokogiri (1.5.5)
* oauth (0.4.6)
* oauth2 (0.6.1)
* omniauth (1.1.0)
* omniauth-facebook (1.4.0)
* omniauth-oauth2 (1.0.2)
* orm_adapter (0.3.0)
* paper_trail (2.6.3)
* paperclip (2.7.0)
* pdfkit (0.5.2)
* polyglot (0.3.3)
* private_pub (1.0.1)
* pry (
* quiet_assets (1.0.1)
* rabl (0.6.11)
* rack (1.4.1)
* rack-cache (1.2)
* rack-protection (1.2.0)
* rack-ssl (1.3.2)
* rack-test (0.6.1)
* rails (3.2.2)
* rails3-generators (0.17.4)
* railties (3.2.2)
* raindrops (0.10.0)
* rake (
* rb-fchange (0.0.5)
* rb-fsevent (0.9.1)
* rb-inotify (0.8.8)
* rb-readline (0.4.2)
* rdiscount (1.6.8)
* rdoc (3.12)
* recurly (2.1.5)
* ri_cal (0.9.0 da2e2ba)
* rmagick (2.13.1)
* roadie (2.3.1)
* rspec (2.10.0)
* rspec-core (2.10.1)
* rspec-expectations (2.10.0)
* rspec-instafail (0.2.4)
* rspec-mocks (2.10.1)
* rspec-rails (2.10.1)
* rubyzip (0.9.9)
* sass (3.1.20)
* sass-rails (3.2.5)
* selenium-webdriver (2.24.0)
* shoulda-matchers (1.2.0)
* simple_form (2.0.2 f5ddf6a)
* sinatra (1.3.2)
* slop (2.4.4)
* spork (1.0.0rc3)
* sprockets (2.1.3)
* therubyracer (0.10.2)
* thin (1.4.1)
* thor (0.14.6)
* tilt (1.3.3)
* timecop (0.3.5)
* tolk (1.3.1)
* treetop (1.4.10)
* tzinfo (0.3.33)
* uglifier (1.2.6)
* unicorn (4.3.1)
* uuidtools (2.1.2)
* vimeo (1.5.3)
* warden (1.2.1)
* webmock (1.8.9)
* whenever (0.7.3)
* will_paginate (3.0.3)
* workflow (0.8.1)
* xml-simple (1.1.1)
* xpath (0.1.4)
* ya2yaml (0.31)
* yajl-ruby (1.1.0)
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