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Last active August 18, 2023 01:59
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JupyterHub + Jupyter Server read-only test
import os
from typing import Dict, List
from unittest import mock
from jupyter_server.auth import Authorizer, IdentityProvider, User
from import HubOAuth, HubOAuthCallbackHandler, check_scopes
from tornado.httputil import url_concat
from tornado.log import app_log
from traitlets import Instance, default
class JupyterHubUser(User):
"""Subclass User to store JupyterHub data"""
# not a dataclass field
hub_scopes: List
hub_user: Dict
def __init__(self, hub_user):
self.hub_user = hub_user
# translate jupyterhub custom scopes into server permissions
self.hub_scopes = hub_user["scopes"]
class JupyterHubOAuthCallbackHandler(HubOAuthCallbackHandler):
def initialize(self, hub_auth):
self.hub_auth = hub_auth
class JupyterHubIdentityProvider(IdentityProvider):
"""Identity Provider for JupyterHub OAuth
Replacement for JupyterHub's HubAuthenticated mixin
hub_auth = Instance(HubOAuth)
def _default_hub_auth(self):
return HubOAuth(parent=self)
def _patch_get_login_url(self, handler):
original_get_login_url = handler.get_login_url
def get_login_url():
"""Return the Hub's login URL"""
login_url = self.hub_auth.login_url
# add state argument to OAuth url
state = self.hub_auth.set_state_cookie(
handler, next_url=handler.request.uri
login_url = url_concat(login_url, {'state': state})
# temporary override at setting level,
# to allow any subclass overrides of get_login_url to preserve their effect
# for example, APIHandler raises 403 to prevent redirects
with mock.patch.dict(
handler.application.settings, {"login_url": login_url}
app_log.debug("Redirecting to login url: %s", login_url)
return original_get_login_url()
handler.get_login_url = get_login_url
def get_user(self, handler):
if hasattr(handler, "_jupyterhub_user"):
return handler._jupyterhub_user
user = self.hub_auth.get_user(handler)
if user is None:
handler._jupyterhub_user = None
return None
# check scopes
f"Checking user {user['name']} with scopes {user['scopes']} against {self.hub_auth.oauth_scopes}"
scopes = self.hub_auth.check_scopes(self.hub_auth.oauth_scopes, user)
if scopes:
self.log.debug(f"Allowing user {user['name']} with scopes {scopes}")
self.log.warning(f"Not allowing user {user['name']}")
return None
handler._jupyterhub_user = JupyterHubUser(user)
return handler._jupyterhub_user
def get_handlers(self):
return [
{"hub_auth": self.hub_auth},
class JupyterHubAuthorizer(Authorizer):
"""Authorizer that looks for permissions in JupyterHub scopes"""
def is_authorized(self, handler, user, action, resource):
# print(user)
scopes = user.hub_scopes
# authorize if any of these permissions are present
# filters check for access to this specific server
filters = [
required_scopes = set()
for f in filters:
#"Required scopes are: {required_scopes}")
have_scopes = check_scopes(required_scopes, scopes)
# self.log.debug(f"{user['name']} has permissions: { user['scopes']}")
f"{user.username} has permissions {have_scopes} required to {action} on {resource}"
return bool(have_scopes)
c = get_config() # noqa
c.ServerApp.identity_provider_class = JupyterHubIdentityProvider
c.ServerApp.authorizer_class = JupyterHubAuthorizer
# c.LabApp.collaborative = True
# reimplement service prefix
from urllib.parse import urlparse
url = urlparse(os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'])
c.ServerApp.port = url.port
c.ServerApp.ip = url.hostname
c.ServerApp.base_url = url.path
c.ServerApp.open_browser = False
c = get_config() # noqa
c.Authenticator.allowed_users = {"tst01", "tst02"}
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = "dummy"
c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = "simple"
c.JupyterHub.log_level = 10
c.JupyterHub.cleanup_servers = True
c.JupyterHub.custom_scopes = {
"custom:jupyter_server:read:*": {
"description": "read-only access to your server",
"custom:jupyter_server:write:*": {
"description": "access to modify files on your server. Does not include execution.",
"subscopes": ["custom:jupyter_server:read:*"],
"custom:jupyter_server:execute:*": {
"description": "Execute permissions on servers.",
"subscopes": [
c.JupyterHub.load_roles = [
"name": "read-only",
"scopes": [
"users": ["tst01", "tst02"],
"name": "full-access",
"scopes": [
"users": ["tst01"],
# {
# "name": "shared",
# "scopes": [
# "access:services!service=shared",
# "custom:jupyter_server:execute:*",
# ],
# },
c.Spawner.oauth_roles = ["read-only", "full-access"]
import os
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
c.Spawner.cmd = [
# = [
# {
# "name": "shared",
# "command": ['jupyter-labhub', '--debug', '--LabApp.collaborative=True'],
# "url": "",
# "oauth_roles": ["shared"],
# },
# ]
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