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Created September 15, 2017 17:43
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Present perfect sentence

Present perfect sentence - The Present Perfect Simple Tense

Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Tense is used to express an action that occurred or completed at some point in past. This tense expresses an idea of completion or occurrence of an action in past without giving an idea about the exact time of its occurrence. Though, the time of the action is not exactly known, this tense is mostly used to refer to actions completed in the recent past not a very long time ago. Past Participle or 3rd form of a verb Auxiliary verbs: The guests have arrived. I have eaten my meal. You have done a nice job. He has received my letter. She has given me her books. I have finished my all tasks. She has qualified the exam. He has bought a camera. You have made a beautiful painting. They have helped us. He has gone to home. They have made a plan for starting business. You have not completed you work. You have not asked me for help. She has not applied for a job. He has not brought the table. They have not enjoyed the party. They have not called us. He has not started a business. I have not written a letter. She has not come. I have not gone to America. Have you prepared yourself for the exam? Has she brought her camera? Has he finished his work? Have they played a game? Have the kids eaten their food? Have I sent you a mail? Has he bought a new laptop? Has he ever helped you? Have they gone to their college? Has she taken admission in the school? Have the guests arrived? Have you seen my new camera? It seems that you have disabled your Javascript. In order to see this page, Please re-enable your Javascript! Scroll up to view more topics. Present Simple Tense Present Progressive Tense Presenet Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense Future Perfect Tense Present Simple Tense Future Simple Tense English Tense - Introduction. Preparation Guide for Tests. Presenet Perfect Continuous Tense. Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Future Perfect Continuous Tense. English Tense - Meaning.

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