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Last active March 10, 2019 12:24
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  • Save ezhov-da/e98b375ec3942cd6119e06f32c6b66d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ezhov-da/e98b375ec3942cd6119e06f32c6b66d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git add gitignore file
So based on what you said, these files are libraries/documentation you don't want to delete but also don't want to push to github. Let say you have your project in folder your_project and a doc directory: your_project/doc.
Remove it from the project directory (without actually deleting it): git rm --cached doc/*
If you don't already have a .gitignore, you can make one right inside of your project folder: project/.gitignore.
Put doc/* in the .gitignore
Stage the file to commit: git add project/.gitignore
Commit: git commit -m "message".
Push your change to github.
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