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error[E0599]: no method named `call_once` found for type `std::boxed::Box<dyn for<'r> std::boxed::FnBox<(&'r mut nphysics2d::world::World<f32>,), Output=()> + std::marker::Send>` in the current scope
--> src/
57 | request.call_once(&mut;
| ^^^^^^^^^
= note: the method `call_once` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`&std::boxed::Box<dyn for<'r> std::boxed::FnBox<(&'r mut nphysics2d::world::World<f32>,), Output=()> + std::marker::Send> : std::ops::FnOnce<_>`
`&mut std::boxed::Box<dyn for<'r> std::boxed::FnBox<(&'r mut nphysics2d::world::World<f32>,), Output=()> + std::marker::Send> : std::ops::FnOnce<_>`
`&dyn for<'r> std::boxed::FnBox<(&'r mut nphysics2d::world::World<f32>,), Output=()> + std::marker::Send : std::ops::FnOnce<_>`
error[E0161]: cannot move a value of type dyn for<'r> std::ops::FnOnce(&'r mut nphysics2d::world::World<f32>) + std::marker::Send: the size of dyn for<'r> std::ops::FnOnce(&'r mut nphysics2d::world::World<f32>) + std::marker::Send cannot be statically determined
--> src/
54 | request(&mut;
| ^^^^^^^
let vertexVector = rest
.map(|vertices| {
let arr = [
position: [first[0], first[1], 0.0_f32],
color: color
position: [
use std::ops::Fn;
use automaton::Automaton;
pub struct StateMachine<'f, I: 'f, A: 'f, C: 'f> where C: Fn(&I)->(A, &'f C)
current_state: &'f Fn(&I)->(A, &'f C)
impl <'f, I, A, C> StateMachine<'f, I, A, C> where C: Fn(&I)->(A, &'f C) {
pub fn new(init_state: &'f C) -> StateMachine<'f, I, A, C> {
use std::ops::{FnMut};
pub trait Automaton<'f, I, A> {
fn transition(&'f mut self, input: &I) -> A;
impl<'f, I, A> Automaton<'f, I, A> for FnMut(&I) -> A {
fn transition(&'f mut self, input: &I) -> A {
pub mod automaton;
pub mod state_machine;
pub mod move_state_machine;
mod tests {
use automaton::Automaton;
fn fnmut_automaton_test() {
use std::ops::{FnMut};
pub trait Automaton<'f, I, A> {
fn transition(&'f mut self, input: &I) -> A;
impl<'f, I, A> Automaton<'f, I, A> for FnMut(&I) -> A {
fn transition(&'f mut self, input: &I) -> A {
pub mod automaton;
pub mod state_machine;
pub mod move_state_machine;
mod tests {
use automaton::Automaton;
fn fnmut_automaton_test() {
use std::ops::FnOnce;
use automaton::Automaton;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::swap;
/// State machine implemented through a boxed consumable closure struct. Each
/// step, the currently boxed closure is called, returning an action and a
/// new boxed closure to call the next step.
pub struct OwnStateMachine<I, A, C: FnOnce(&I) -> (A, Box<C>)> {
current_state: Option<Box<C>>,
macro_rules! self_match {
($token:ident) => {
( & $token, & $token )
macro_rules! jump_table_impl {
$name:ident : $fntype:ty {
$( $variant:ident = $value:expr ) ,*