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y.takahashi eai04191

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* Git Staged Files Cleaner for FaceEmo Imported Files
* This script processes staged files in a Git repository and removes
* unneeded .meta files and their corresponding files in Unity projects.
* Author: ChatGPT (OpenAI)
* Usage: npx tsx script.ts
export interface ZipInfo {
compressedSize: number;
fileNameLength: number;
extraFieldLength: number;
fileName: string;
files: ZipFile[];
export interface ZipFile {
filename: string;
(() => {
const reactRandomKey = Object.keys(document.querySelector("#root"))
.find((key) => key.startsWith("__reactContainer$"))
const fiberKey = `__reactFiber$${reactRandomKey}`;
const propsKey = `__reactProps$${reactRandomKey}`;
function filterReactFibers(elements) {
return [...elements].filter((e) => Object.keys(e).includes(fiberKey));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin />

7-Zip GUIをLhaplus的にダブルクリックで展開するために使うやつ

2024-05-03_11-42-48_explorer-ezgif com-speed


  • zip
  • rar
  • 7z
  • tar
  • gz
name price rank limited drunk
Cassis 800 0 0 10
Oolong 800 0 0 10
Zin 900 0 0 15
Beer 900 0 0 10
Kyoho 1000 0 0 10
Japanese sake 1000 0 0 20
Lemon sour 1100 0 0 15
Highball 1100 0 0 20
wine 1300 0 0 30
// ==UserScript==
// @name GM_download test
// @author Eai <>
// @license MIT
// @version 1.0.0
// @match
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_download
// ==/UserScript==
/* global GM_registerMenuCommand */
// ==UserScript==
// @name Do not zoom when focus to input
// @namespace net.mizle
// @version 1.0
// @description Continuously update viewport settings every second
// @author Eai
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
"active_manifest": "urn:uuid:632a603d-06bf-4660-ac5a-e94f41f61040",
"manifests": {
"urn:uuid:d67f9244-8583-43d2-bdb6-12082bbb76e7": {
"claim_generator": "CanUseeMe c2patool/0.7.0 c2pa-rs/0.28.3",
"title": "Tsukuctf_20XX",
"format": "image/png",
"instance_id": "xmp:iid:e18e08ca-8259-4226-988e-7ed2f58e1010",
"thumbnail": {
"format": "image/png",
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