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Created October 17, 2016 20:34
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"""Brute force search over the space of deterministic policy functions for
algorithmic problems. Works for copy-v0. For stateful problems, way too slow.
(Would take around 35m years to find policies for RepeatCopy, DuplicatedInput,
etc., by my calculations.)
import gym
import time
import logging
import itertools
import sys
class PolicyEnumerator(object):
def __init__(self, env):
assert isinstance(env, gym.envs.algorithmic.algorithmic_env.AlgorithmicEnv)
self.env = env
# directions
dirs, write_mode, write_chars = self.env.action_space.spaces
self.dirs = range(dirs.n)
self.chars = range(write_chars.n)
self.n_chars = write_chars.n
self.n_inputs = self.n_chars+1 # plus blank space
self.n_outputs = self.n_chars+1 # plus "don't write"
# All characters plus a null/blank character
self.chars_plus = [-1] + self.chars
def enum(self, max_states):
for n in range(1, max_states+1):
for policy in self.enumerate_policies_with_nstates(n):
yield policy
def enumerate_policies_with_nstates(self, n):
direction_pols = self.enumerate_direction_policies(n)
output_pols = self.enumerate_output_policies(n)
state_pols = self.enumerate_state_policies(n)
expo = n * self.n_inputs
ndpols = len(self.dirs)**expo
nopols = self.n_outputs**expo
nspols = n**expo"N policies for {} states:\ndirection:{:,} output:{:,} state:{:,}\t\
total:{:,}".format(n, ndpols, nopols, nspols,
n**expo, ndpols*nopols*nspols)
# TODO: should do some kind of diagonal enumeration? Or maybe it doesn't
# matter that much.
# Originally used itertools.product, but surprisingly it was *really* slow
# and memory-intensive compared to nested loops
for dp in direction_pols:
for op in self.enumerate_output_policies(n):
for sp in self.enumerate_state_policies(n):
yield AlgorithmicPolicy(dp, op, sp)
def enumerate_direction_policies(self, n_states):
return self._enumerate_subpolicies(self.dirs, n_states)
def enumerate_output_policies(self, n_states):
return self._enumerate_subpolicies(self.chars_plus, n_states)
def enumerate_state_policies(self, n_states):
# minor optimization
if n_states == 1:
yield lambda *args : 0
for pol in self._enumerate_subpolicies(range(n_states), n_states):
yield pol
def _enumerate_subpolicies(self, codomain, n_states):
states = range(n_states)
# Start with policies just based on the current state, ignoring input char
images = itertools.product(codomain, repeat=n_states)
for image in images:
#yield lambda obs, state: image[state]
yield simple_policy_factory(image)
# Now policies based on current state and input char. Generate all
# n-ary strings of length (n_states*n_inputs)
images = itertools.product(codomain, repeat=(n_states*self.n_inputs))
for image in images:
yield policy_factory(image, self.n_inputs)
# Can't do this because blah blah variable binding
#yield lambda obs, state: image[(state*self.n_inputs)+obs]
def simple_policy_factory(image):
return lambda obs, state: image[state]
def policy_factory(image, n):
return lambda obs, state: image[(state*n)+obs]
class AlgorithmicPolicy(object):
def __init__(self, dp, op, sp):
self.direction_policy, self.output_policy, self.state_policy = dp, op, sp
def get_action(self, obs, state):
direction = self.direction_policy(obs, state)
output = self.output_policy(obs, state)
output_tuple = (0, 0) if output == NO_OUTPUT else (1, output)
return (direction,) + output_tuple
def run(self, env):
seen_reward_thresh = False
reward_countdown = env.spec.trials
while reward_countdown:
success, reward = self.run_episode(env)
if not success:
return False
seen_reward_thresh = reward >= env.spec.reward_threshold
if (seen_reward_thresh):
reward_countdown -= 1
return reward_countdown == 0
def run_episode(self, env):
obs = env.reset()
done = False
total_reward = 0
state = 0
while not done:
action = self.get_action(obs, state)
state = self.state_policy(obs, state)
obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
total_reward += reward
# Assumption (which should hold for all algorithmic envs): an episode is
# overall successful iff the last step has positive reward
return reward > 0, total_reward
def solve_env(env, max_states):
pols = PolicyEnumerator(env).enum(max_states)
for i, pol in enumerate(pols):
success =
if success:
return True
if (i % 100000) == 0:
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
env_name = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
env_name = 'Copy-v0'
logging.warning("No environment name provided. Defaulting to {}".format(env_name))
env = gym.make(env_name)
t0 = time.time()
max_states = 1
succ = solve_env(env, max_states)
elapsed = time.time() - t0
print "{} after {:.1f}s".format(
"Solved" if succ else "Exhausted policies", elapsed
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