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ebb / insertion_sort.p
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
Puck language sample code.
\ Sort INPUT into ascending order as determined by the LESS_THAN binary
\ predicate. This sorting algorithm is stable.
Let insertion_sort less_than input.
Func sorted elem.
Loop left right.
(Init `nil sorted) \ Provides args for first iteration.
Preliminary notes on reading the following Language 84 code:
- "Let" is used to introduce non-recursive functions.
- "Define" is used to introduce recursive functions.
- "For" is often used to write loops but it is actually a general binding
construct. It is similar to the "where" keyword of other languages in
that the value expression appears first and is followed by a binding that
is to be in scope within the value expression.
natural_number (regex: 0|[1-9][0-9]*)
character (examples: 'a', '\'', '"', '\n')
string (examples: "", "hello", "\treturn \"\";\n")
ident (regex: [a-z][a-z0-9_']*|[A-Z][A-Z0-9_']*)
Where, Let, Define, ... (a fixed finite subset of regex: [A-Z][a-z]+)
Notes on infix operators and function application in Language 84
Language 84 is an expression-oriented language with first-class functions and
immutable data.
The first thing to note is that expressions using infix operators or function
application are always parenthesized in Language 84. There are two motivations
for that choice:
(term {WHERE {binder}})
:rule binder (RULE ident term | TOKENS {ident})
:rule term (ident | char | '[' choice ']' | '{' choice '}' | '(' choice ')')
:rule choice (sequence {'|' sequence})
\ Binary trees benchmark from the Computer Language Benchmarks Game.
\ Sample run with argument 18:
\ Language 84:
\ real 0m1.542s
\ user 0m1.540s
\ sys 0m0.000s
Define (heap_alloc align size)
Begin {
Let start
Let start (Fetch uint32 heap_top)
Cond {
| [align > 4]
Let c [[align / 4] - 1]
(and [start + c] (complement c))
Let config (parse_command_line)
Let {paths packages} (parse_packages config.root_path)
Let program (compile packages)
(emit config.root_path paths program)
Let config
Let {}
Let usage "usage: 84 <program>"
When [OS.argc != 2]
(OS.die usage)
{: root_path (OS.argv 1)}
ebb / floyd.84
Created May 16, 2018 02:24
Rosetta Code: Floyd's triangle
\ This program is a Rosetta Code exercise called "Floyd's triangle".
\ The goal is to print out a sequence of numbers in lines of increasing
\ length and to do so in such a way that the numbers appear in aligned
\ columns.
\ The program takes a command-line argument that determines how many lines to
\ print.